Dictionary - TU Chemnitz

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popular mobilization forces; popular mobilization units; people's mobilization committee (Iran) Volksmobilisierungskräfte {pl}; Volksmobilisierungseinheiten {pl} (Iran) [mil.]

People's Mujahedin of Iran; Mojahedin-e Khalq /PMoI/, /MEK/, /MKO/ (terrorist group) Volksmudschahidin im Iran; Modschahedin-e Chalgh /MEK/, /MKO/ (Terrorgruppe) [pol.]

People's Republic /PR/ Volksrepublik {f} /VR/ [pol.]

voice of the people Volksstimme {f}

national dulling; stupefaction of the people; brainwashing of the people Volksverdummung {f} [pej.]

representative of the people Volksvertreter {m}

representatives of the people Volksvertreter {pl}

representation of the people Volksvertretung {f} [pol.]

public anger; people's wrath Volkszorn {m}

to worm one's way through the people/crowd sich seinen Weg durch die Menschen/die Menge bahnen {v}

the people of quality die vornehme Welt

economy people; economic people Wirtschaftsleute {f}

Yi people; Lolo Yi {pl}; Lolo {pl} [soc.]

the headcount (number of people counted) die (erhobene) Zahl der Anwesenden/Besucher/Gäste

to put people in pigeonholes Leute abstempeln {v}

to poll people for their opinion (survey) Leute zu ihrer Meinung befragen {vt} (Umfrage)

one or two people; one or two of you/us/them der eine oder andere

one or two universities die eine oder andere Universität

each other; one another (each of two or more people/animals) [listen] einander; sich {pron} (bei zwei oder mehreren Personen/Tieren)

travelling people; wandering people fahrendes Volk {n}; fahrende Leute {pl}; Landfahrer {pl} [ugs.] [soc.]

to colonize; to colonise [Br.] the people of an area ein Volk kolonialisieren {vt} [pol.] [soc.]

with little contact to other people kontaktarm {adj}

to have little contact to other people kontaktarm sein

designed with the (needs of) people in mind menschenfreundlich {adj}

non-white; BIPOC [Am.] (black, indigenous and people of colour) (population) nichtweiß {adj} (Bevölkerung) [soc.]

to be a people person gut mit Leuten umgehen können {vi} [soc.]

dead wood; deadwood [Am.] (people or things that are no longer useful/productive) unnützer Ballast {m} (Person oder Sache) [soc.]

I admit there are people who ... Es gibt zwar Leute, die ...

One should look only on the good side of people. Man soll nur Positives von Menschen sagen.

How can you get anything done with people like that? Mit diesen Leuten soll man etwas fertig kriegen?

Let people say what they wish. Mögen die Leute sagen, was sie wollen.

China; People's Republic of China China {n}; Volksrepublik China {f} /CN/ (Kfz: /RC/) [geogr.] [listen]

mainland China; Chinese mainland Festlandchina {n}

North Korea (Democratic People's Republic of Korea) Nordkorea {n} (Demokratische Volksrepublik Korea) /KP/ [geogr.]

Laos (Lao People's Democratic Republic) Laos {n} (Demokratische Volksrepublik Laos) /LA/ (Kfz: /LAO/) [geogr.]

Papuan people Papua {pl} (Völergruppe)

Tagalog; member (language) of the native people of the Philippines Tagalog {m} [geogr.]

people's chamber; Volkskammer (parliament of the GDR) Volkskammer {f} (Parlament der DDR)

Tuareg; Tuareg people Tuareg {pl}

group of people Menschengruppe {f}

groups of people Menschengruppen {pl}

Wichita; Wichita people (Indian tribe) Wichita (Indianerstamm) [soc.]

Wichita; Witchita language Wichita {n} [ling.]

Volkspolizei; People's Police (GDR) Volkspolizei {f} (der DDR)

megadeath; megacorpse (term for the deaths of a million people) Megadeath {m} (Bezeichnung für eine Million Todesopfer)

popular movement; grass-roots movement; people's movement Volksbewegung {f}; Basisbewegung {f}; Graswurzelbewegung {f} [pol.]

popular movements; grass-roots movements; people's movements Volksbewegungen {pl}; Basisbewegungen {pl}; Graswurzelbewegungen {pl}

Mohave; Mojave {pl} (Native American people) Mohave; Mojave {pl} (Indianervolk)

a roomful of people ein Zimmer voller Leute

National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) Bürgerrechtsorganisation für ethnische Minderheiten in den USA

Mohegans; Mohegan people Mohegan {pl} [soc.]

increase in the percentage/number of elderly people Überalterung {f} [soc.]

contempt for other people Menschenverachtung {f}

media people Medienleute {pl}

people's state Volksstaat {m} [pol.]

five of their number (group of people) [formal] fünf von ihnen (Gruppe von Personen)

'People one ought to know in New York' (by Isherwood / work title) "Bekannte Gesichter" (von Isherwood / Werktitel) [lit.]

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