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18 Ergebnisse für CTL*
Tipp: Beim Tippen: Pfeil nach rechts → um Wortvorschläge zu erhalten.

 Deutsch  Englisch

Ähnliche Wörter:
At-Zeichen, Bauchfrei-T-Shirt, C-Diode, C-Dioden, C-Dur-Tonleiter, C-Falter, C-Schlüssel, C-Stahl, C-Stern, C-Säule, C-Terrorismus, C-Waffe, C-Waffen, CAR-T-Zelltherapie, CB-Funk, CD, CD-Beschichtungssystem, CD-Beschichtungssysteme, CD-Brenner, CD-Einleger, CD-Hülle
Ähnliche Wörter:
Act, C-clamp, C-pillar, C-post, C-rich, C-section, C-suite, C-washer, C-washers, C-wrench, C-wrenches, C.O.D., CD-ROM, CD-Recordable, CO-content, Ca-stearate, Cut!, Post-it, T'aichung, T'ainan, T-Bill

Schichtröntgen {n}; Computertomografie {f}; Computertomographie {f} /CT/ [med.] X-ray computed tomography /X-ray CT/; computed axial tomography /CAT/; computed tomography scanning; CT scanning; computed tomography /CT/; computer tomography /CT/

Einzelphotonen-Emissionscomputertomographie {f} single-photon emission computed tomography /SPECT/

Positronen-Emissionstomographie {f} positron-emission tomography /PET/

Computertomograf {m}; Computertomograph {m} [med.] computer-assisted tomograph; CT scanner; computer tomography scanner

Computertomografen {pl}; Computertomographen {pl} computer-assisted tomographs; CT scanners; computer tomography scanners

Containerterminal {n} /CT/ [transp.] container terminal

Containerterminals {pl} container terminals

Schichtröntgenbild {n}; Schichtaufnahme {f}; Computertomogramm {n} [med.] X-ray computed tomogram; computed tomogram; computed tomography scan; CT scan

Schichtröntgenbilder {pl}; Schichtaufnahmen {pl}; Computertomogramme {pl} X-ray computed tomograms; computed tomograms; computed tomography scans; CT scans

Cent {m} (Währung) [anhören] cent /c/ /ct/

Destruktion {f} von BWK11 im Sinne eines osteoclastischen Plasmozytombefalls (CT-Befund) [med.] destruction of T11 consistent with osteoclastic activity in multiple myelmoma (CT report)

Durchmischungsartefakt {m}; Durchmischungsphänomen {n} (CT-Befund) [med.] mixing artefact; mixing artifact (CT report)

Kontrastmittelrückstau {m} (CT-Befund) [med.] contrast reflux (CT report)

Salz-und-Pfeffer-Schädel {m}; Salz-Pfeffer-Schädel {m} (CT-Befund bei Hyperparathyreoidismus) [med.] salt-and-pepper skull; pepperpot skull (CT report in hyperparathyroidism)

Schrotschussschädel {m} (CT-Befund bei Myelomatose) [med.] raindrop skull (CT report in myelomatosis)

sichtbarer Substanzdefekt {m} (CT-Befund) [med.] hypodense region; low-density area (CT report)

Untersuchungsportal {n} (eines Computertomographen) [med.] gantry (of a CT scanner)

Veratmen {n} (Röntgen, CT) [med.] unintentional respiratory motion (X-ray, CT)

dorsale Stempelbildung {f}; dorsaler Stempel {m} (CT-Befund) [med.] posterior fragment(s) displaced into the spinal canal (CT report)

veratmetes Bild {n} (Röntgen, CT) [med.] blurred image/image blur(ring) caused by respiratory motion (X-ray, CT)

Connecticut (US-Bundesstaat; Hauptstadt: Hartford) [geogr.] Connecticut /CT/ (state of the US; capital: Hartford)

Angiografie {f}; Angiographie {f} [med.] angiography

computertomographische Angiographie; CT-Angiographie computed tomography angiography; CT angiography /CTA/

digitale Subtraktionsangiographie digital subtraction angiography /DSA/

gezielte Angiografie; selektive Angiographie selective angiography

Koronarangiografie {f}; Koronarangiographie {f} coronary angiography

Magnetresonanzangiographie {f} magnetic resonance angiography /MRA/

Zeit-Temperatur-Umwandlungsschaubild {n}; ZTU-Schaubild {n}; ZTU-Diagramm {n} (Metallurgie) [techn.] time-temperature transformation diagram; TTT diagram (metallurgy)

ZTU-Schaubild für isotherme Umwandlung isothermal transformation diagram; IT diagram

ZTU-Schaubild für kontinuierliche Abkühlung continuous cooling transformation diagram; CT diagram
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