Dictionary - TU Chemnitz

 German  English

Familienberatung {f} family counselling [Br.]; family counseling [Am.]

Beratung {f} (institutionalisiertes Hilfsangebot für einen bestimmten Lebensbereich) [listen] counselling [Br.]; counseling [Am.]; guidance; advisement [Am.] (institutionalized assistance for a particular sphere of life) [listen] [listen] [listen]

Akademikerberatung {f} graduate counselling; graduate advisement

Alkoholberatung {f} alcohol counselling; alcohol education

Außenwirtschaftsberatung {f} [econ.] foreign trade and payments counselling

Steuerberatung {f} [fin.] tax counselling; tax counseling

Berufsberatung {f}; Ausbildungsberatung {f} vocational guidance; career counselling; career advisement

Drogenberatung {f} [med.] drugs counselling; drug counseling

Eheberatung {f} marriage counselling; marriage guidance

Erziehungsberatung {f} educational counselling; educational counseling; educational guidance

Fachberatung {f} specialist counselling; specialist counseling

Familienberatung {f} family counselling; family counseling

Gesundheitsberatung {f} health counselling; health counseling

schulbegleitende Beratung; Schulberatung {f} [school] school counselling; school counselling

Sexualberatung {f} [med.] sexual counselling; sexual counseling

Stillberatung {f} [med.] breastfeeding counselling [Br.]; breastfeeding counseling [Am.]; lactation counselling [Br.]; lactation counseling [Am.]

Suchtberatung {f} addiction counselling; addiction counseling

Trauerberatung {f} bereavement counselling; bereavement counseling

Trauerberatung nach der Bestattung post-funeral counselling

Verhaltensberatung {f} behavioural counselling; behavioral consultation

verpflichtende Beratung; Beratungszwang {m} [pej.] mandatory counselling