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19 ähnliche Ergebnisse für Mastika
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 Deutsch  Englisch

Ähnliche Wörter:
Attika, Mantik, Mastix, Miotika, Mystik, Rustika, Swastika
Ähnliche Wörter:
amastia, castina, mastic, mastiff, mestiza, swastika

Kau... [med.] masticatory

Kauakt {m} [med.] act of chewing; chewing; mastication

Kauapparat {m} [anat.] masticatory apparatus

Kauende {m,f}; Kauender masticator

Kaukraft {f} [med.] masticatory force

Kaumuskellähmung {f} [med.] masticatory paralysis

Kaumuskulatur {f} [anat.] muscles of mastication; masticatory muscles

Mundsperre {f}; Kaumuskelkrampf {m}; Krampf {m} der Kaumuskulatur; Trismus {m} [med.] lockjaw; masticatory spasm; trismus

kaubar {adj} masticable

kauend {adj} [med.] chewing; masticatory; manducatory

mastikatorisch {adj}; den Kaumuskel betreffend [med.] masticatory

Gesichtskrampf {m}; Fazialiskrampf {m}; Gesichtszucken {n} [med.] spasm of the face; facial spasm; mimetic spasm; facial tic; mimentic tic; mimetic convulsion; prosopospasm

Gesichtskrämpfe {pl}; Fazialiskrämpfe {pl} spasms of the face; facial spasms; mimetic spasms; facial tics; mimentic tics; mimetic convulsions; prosopospasms

mastikatorischer Gesichtskrampf masticatory spasm of the face

Kauen {n} [med.] chewing; mastication; manducation

erschwertes Kauen; Kaustörung {f} dysmasesia

Kaufläche {f} (eines Zahns) [anat.] masticatory surface; occlusal surface (of a tooth)

Kauflächen {pl} masticatory surfaces; occlusal surfaces

Kaumuskel {m} [anat.] masticatory muscle; muscle of mastication; masseter (muscle)

Kaumuskeln {pl} masticatory muscles; muscles of mastication; masseters

Kauorgan {n} [anat.] masticatory organ

Kauorgane {pl} masticatory organs

kauen {vi} [cook.] to chew; to masticate; to manducate [anhören]

kauend chewing; masticating; manducating

gekaut chewed; masticated; manducated

er/sie kaut he/she chews; he/she masticates

ich/er/sie kaute I/he/she chewed; I/he/she masticated

er/sie hat/hatte gekaut he/she has/had chewed; he/she has/had masticated

nicht gekaut unchewed

an den Fingernägeln kauen to bite your nails

etw. mastizieren; etw. kräftig kneten {vt} [techn.] to masticate sth. [Br.]

mastizierend; kräftig knetend masticating

mastiziert; kräftig geknetet masticated

etw. zerkauen; etw. durchkauen {vt} [cook.] to chew sth.; to masticate sth.; to manducate sth.

zerkauend; durchkauend chewing; masticating; manducating

zerkaut; durchgekaut chewed; masticated; manducated
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