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6 ähnliche Ergebnisse für Boutis
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 Deutsch  Englisch

Ähnliche Wörter:
Agutis, Botin, Bougie, Bougies, Cutis, Kutis, Louis, blutig, brutig
Ähnliche Wörter:
bouts, Q-boats, T-bolts, U-bolts, adder's-mouths, agoutis, boats, bolts, booths, bootie, booties, boots, borts, boughs, bougie, bougies, boules, bounds, bout, brutish, butts

Bügel {m} (eines Streichinstruments) [mus.] [anhören] bout (of a stringed instrument) [anhören]

Bügel {pl} [anhören] bouts

Mittelbügel {m} middle bout

Episode {f}; Anfall {m}; Schub {m} [übtr.] [anhören] bout [fig.] [anhören]

Episoden {pl}; Anfälle {pl}; Schübe {pl} bouts

Aktivitätsepisode {f} (Vulkan) bout of activity (volcano)

Schreibanfall {m} writing bout

Trainingsepisode {f}; Trainingsrunde {f} [sport] bout of exercise

Trinkepisode {f} (Alkohol) drinking bout (alcohol)

Hustenanfall {m} [med.] fit of coughing; coughing fit; attack of coughing; coughing attack; coughing paroxysm

Hustenanfälle {pl} fits of coughing; coughing fits; attacks of coughing; coughing attacks; coughing paroxysms

Er wird von Hustenanfällen geplagt. He is racked with fits/bouts of coughing.

Kampf {m} (Zweikampf) [sport] [anhören] bout [anhören]

Kämpfe {pl} bouts

Ausscheidungskampf {m} elimination bout

Titelkampf {m} title bout

Krankheitsanfall {m}; Anfall {m}; Attacke {f} [geh.] [med.] [anhören] attack; access [formal]; bout; episode; seizure [anhören] [anhören] [anhören]

Krankheitsanfälle {pl}; Anfälle {pl}; Attacken {pl} attacks; accesses; bouts; episodes; seizures

Hustenanfall {m} bout of coughing

Fieberanfall {m} attack of fever; febrile attack; bout of fever

Schmerzattacke {f} attack of pain; episode of pain

leichter Anfall touch

Schaukampf {m} exhibition fight; exhibition bout

Schaukämpfe {pl} exhibition fights; exhibition bouts
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