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17 Ergebnisse für Slime
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 Deutsch  Englisch

Entschlammen {n}; Entschlammung {f}; Entschlämmung {f} [min.] slime removal; sludge removal; de-sliming; de-slurrying

Siebentschlammung {f} de-slurrying by screens

Schleimspur {f} [zool.] slime trail

Schleimspuren {pl} slime trails

Schlamm {m} slime

Schlammfieber {n} [med.] slime fever

Schleim {m} slime

Schleimpilze {pl} (Eumycetozoa / Mycetozoa) [biol.] slime moulds [Br.]; slime molds [Am.]; mycetozoa

Elektrolyseschlamm {m}; Elektrolyserückstände {pl} [chem.] [electr.] electrolytic slime; electrolytic mud; residual slimes of electrolysis

Erzschlämme {f} [min.] ore sludge; ore slime

Schleimaale {pl}; Inger {pl} (Myxini) (zoologische Klasse) [zool.] hagfishes; slime eels (zoological class)

Echte Schleimpilze {pl}; plasmodiale Schleimpilze {pl}; Myxomyceten {pl} (Myxogastria) (biologisches Taxon) [biol.] plasmodial slime moulds [Br.] / molds [Am.]; acellular slime moulds [Br.] / molds [Am.]; syncytial slime moulds [Br.] / molds [Am.]; myxmycetes; myxogastrids (biological taxon)

zelluläre Schleimpilze {pl} (Dictyosteliida) (biologisches Taxon) [biol.] cellular slime moulds [Br.]; cellular slime molds [Am.]; dictyostelids (biological taxon)

Schneckenschleim {m} [zool.] snail slime

Urschleimpilze {pl}; haploide Schleimpilze {pl} (Protostelia) (biologisches Taxon) [biol.] protosteloid slime moulds [Br.]; protosteloid slime molds [Am.]; protostelids (biological taxon)

Bohrschlamm {m}; Bohrschmant {m}; Bohrtrübe {f} [geol.] boring sludge; bore detritus; drilling mud; drilling fluid; sludge cuttings; drill cuttings; ditch cuttings; slime; silt

Bohrspülung {f}; Bohrflüssigkeit {f} boring sludge; bore detritus; drilling mud [fluid]; sludge cuttings; drill cuttings; ditch cuttings; slime; silt

Gärung {f}; Vergärung {f}; Fermentation {f} [biochem.] [cook.] fermentation

stürmische Gärung fiery fermentation; boiling fermentation

Fehlgärung {f}; Fremdgärung {f} [cook.] misfermentation

Flaschengärung {f} bottle fermentation; fermentation in the bottle

Nachgärung {f} secondary fermentation

Schleimgärung {f} slime fermentation; ropy fermentation; viscous fermentation

Torf {m} peat [anhören]

dichter Torf stone turf

dunkelbrauner fetter Torf lard peat

erdiger Torf crumble peat

Fasertorf {m} fibrous peat; surface peat; peat fiber [Am.]; peat fibre [Br.]

getrockneter Torf vag

leicht entzündlicher Torf tallow peat

schlammiger Torf dredged peat

umgelagerter Torf peat breccia; peat slime

unreiner Torf muck [anhören]

vergelter Torf amorphous peat

Torf aus Süßwasseralgen conferva peat

Torf in Glazialablagerungen drift peat

Torf mit stückigen Pflanzenresten chaff peat

von Gestrüpp bedeckter Torf brushwood peat

Torf stechen to cut peat
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