Dictionary - TU Chemnitz

 English  German

allocation of portfolios Ressortzuteilung {f}

application portfolio; application folder Bewerbungsmappe {f}

application portfolios; application folders Bewerbungsmappen {pl}

account; portfolio [listen] [listen] Depot {n} (für Wertpapiere) [fin.]

accounts; portfolios [listen] Depots {pl}

example portfolio Musterdepot {n}

service; services offer; portfolio of services [listen] Dienstangebot {n}; Diensteangebot {n}; Serviceangebot {n}

services; services offers; portfolios of services [listen] Dienstangebote {pl}; Diensteangebote {pl}; Serviceangebote {pl}

two-pocket portfolio; twin-pocket portfolio Einsteckmappe {f} [adm.]

two-pocket portfolios; twin-pocket portfolios Einsteckmappen {pl}

portfolio [listen] Mappe {f}; Aktentasche {f}; Aktenmappe {f} [listen]

portfolios Mappen {pl}; Aktentaschen {pl}; Aktenmappen {pl}

product range; range of products; product portfolio Produktionsprogramm {n}; Poduktprogramm {n}; Produktpalette {f}; Leistungsprogramm {n}

product ranges; ranges of products; product portfolios Produktionsprogramme {pl}; Poduktprogramme {pl}; Produktpaletten {pl}; Leistungsprogramme {pl}

program offer; programm offering; program offered; programming portfolio Programmangebot {n}

program offers; programm offerings; programs offered; programming portfolios Programmangebote {pl}

securities deposit account; securities portfolio Wertpapierdepot {n}; Effektendepot {n}; Wertschriftendepot {n} [Schw.] [fin.]

securities deposit accounts; securities portfolios Wertpapierdepots {pl}; Effektendepots {pl}; Wertschriftendepots {pl}

third-party securities deposit account Treuhanddepot {n}; Treuhänderdepot {n}

catalogue of services [Br.]; service catalog [Am.]; portfolio of services Leistungskatalog {m}

catalogues of services; service catalogs; portfolios of services Leistungskataloge {pl}