Dictionary - TU Chemnitz
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painkilling drug delivery; analgesic delivery; analgesia Verabreichung von Schmerzmitteln {f}; Schmerzmittelgabe {f}; Schmerzmittelapplikation {f}; Analgesie {f} [med.]

patient-controlled analgesic delivery; patient-controlled analgesia /PCA/ patientengesteuerte Schmerzmittelgabe (oft fälschlich: patientenkontrollierte Schmerztherapie)

patient-controlled epidural analgesia patientengesteuerte Schmerzmittelapplikation in den Epiduralraum

transdermal analgesia transdermale Schmerzmittelapplikation

painkilling drug; painkilling medicine; painkiller; painreliever; anodyne agent; anodyne; analgesic Schmerzmittel {n}; schmerzstillendes Mittel {n}; schmerzlinderndes Mittel {n}; Analgetikum {n} [pharm.]

painkilling drugs; painkilling medicines; painkillers; painrelievers; anodyne agents; anodynes; analgesics Schmerzmittel {pl}; schmerzstillende Mittel {pl}; schmerzlindernde Mittel {pl}; Analgetika {pl}

mild painkilling drug; aspirin ® [coll.] leichtes Schmerzmittel; Aspirin ® [ugs.]

stage of putting to sleep; stage of adaptation; analgesic stage; alagesia stage (anaesthesia) Einschlafstadium {n}; Analgesiestadium {n} (Anästesie) [med.]

pain management; pain treatment; treatment for pain; pain therapy; analgesic treatment; analgesic therapy Schmerzbehandlung {f}; Schmerztherapie {f}; analgetische Therapie {f} [med.]

pain-killing tablet; analgesic tablet Schmerztablette {f} [med.]

pain-killing tablets; analgesic tablets Schmerztabletten {pl}

painkilling; pain-relieving; pain-soothing; analgesic; analgetic; anodynous; anodyne schmerzstillend; schmerzlindernd; analgetisch {adj} [pharm.]