Dictionary - TU Chemnitz

 German  English

gegen etw. anblasen; blasen {vt} [listen] to blow against sth.; to direct the airflow against sth.

anblasend gegen; blasend blowing against; directing the airflow against

angeblasen gegen; geblasen blown against; directed the airflow against

anblasen {vi} (Unterseeboot) [naut.] to blow the tanks (submarine boat)

anblasend blowing the tanks

angeblasen blown the tanks

Anblasen! (Kommando) Blow the tanks! (command)

das Feuer / die Flammen anfachen; schüren (Person, Sache); anblasen (Person) {vt} to fan the fire / the flames; to fuel the fire / the flames

das Feuer / die Flammen anfachend; schürend; anblasend fanning the fire / the flames; fueling the fire / the flames

das Feuer / die Flammen angefacht; geschürt; angeblasen fanned the fire / the flames; fueled the fire / the flames