Dictionary - TU Chemnitz

 German  English

Pointe {f} (eines Witzes); Clou {m} punchline; punch line; payoff (of a joke)

Pointen {pl} punchlines; punch lines; payoffs

Jetzt hast du mir die Pointe verdorben! You have spoiled the joke now!

Witz {m} [listen] joke [listen]

Witze {pl} jokes

Arztwitz {m} doctor joke; doctor-doctor joke; 'A-man-goes-to-the-doctor' joke

Flachwitz {m} [ugs.] anti-joke

Insiderwitz {m} in-joke; inside joke

einen Witz erzählen to tell a joke

abgedroschener Witz; alter Witz stale joke

verfänglicher Witz; schlüpfriger Witz off-color joke

Opfer eines Witzes; Zielscheibe eines Witzes butt of a joke

Witze reißen; Witze machen to crack jokes

ein Pointenfeuerwerk {n} a (non-stop) barrage of jokes