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16 ähnliche Ergebnisse für Zinna
Tipp: Rechtschreibprüfung: Wort?

 Deutsch  Englisch

Ähnliche Wörter:
Blei-Zinn-Gelb, Pinna-Steckmuscheln, Zinn, Zinne
Ähnliche Wörter:
pinna, zinnia, Anna-freudianism, Diana, Dinka, Finn, Finno-Norwegian, Finno-Swedish, Finns, Inca, Inn, Ranna, Vienna, devils-in-a-bush, e-zine, e-zines, finny, henna, hinny, inn, inns

(unechtes) Muschelgold {n}; Musivgold {n}; Porporina {n}; Zinn(IV)-sulfid {n} [veraltet] [art] [hist.] mosaic gold; painter's gold

Muschelseide {f}; Meerseide {f}; Byssus {m} [textil.] sea silk; pinna silk; byssus cloth

Zinn(II)...: Stanno-... [chem.] tin(II)...; stannous

Zinn(IV)...: Stanni-... [chem.] tin(IV)...; stannic

Zinndichlorid {n}; Zinn(II)-chlorid {n} (SnCl2) [chem.] tin dichloride; tin(II) chloride; stannous chloride

Zinndioxid {n}; Zinn(IV)-oxid {n} (SnO2) [chem.] tin dioxide; tin(IV) oxide; stannic oxide; stannic anhydride; tin peroxide

Zinnie {f} [bot.] zinnia

zinnern; aus Zinn {adj} tinny; made of tin

Zinn {n} /Sn/ [chem.] tin (stannum) [anhören]

Bronze {f} (Kupfer-Zinn-Legierung) (Metallurgie) [techn.] bronze (copper-tin alloy) (metallurgy)

feuervergoldete Bronze; vergoldete Bronze; Ormoulu parcel-gilt bronze; gilt bronze; ormolu

Gefangenentransportwagen {m}; Arrestantenwagen {m} [Ös.]; grüne Minna {f} [Dt.] [ugs.] [hist.]; grüner August {m} [BW] [ugs.] [hist.]; grüner Heinrich {m} [Ös.] [ugs.] [hist.] prisoner transport vehicle; bun wagon; black Maria [Br.] [coll.] [hist.]; paddy waggon [Am.] [coll.]; divvy van [Austr.] [coll.]

Gefangenentransportwagen {pl}; Arrestantenwagen {pl} prisoner transport vehicles; bun wagons; black Marias; paddy waggons; divvy vans

Gelb {n} (Farbe) yellow (colour)

Antimongelb {n}; Neapelgelb {n} antimony yellow; Naples yellow

Bariumgelb {n} barium yellow

Blei-Zinn-Gelb {n} lead-tin yellow

Bleichromatgelb {n} chrome yellow

Cadmiumgelb {n} cadmium yellow

Chromgelb {n} chrome yellow

Dottergelb {n} yolk yellow

Schwefelgelb {n} sulphur yellow [Br.]; sulfur yellow [Am.]

Titangelb {n} titanium yellow

Zinkgeld {n} zinc yellow

Zitronengelb {n} lemon-yellow [Br.]; lemon chrome [Am.]

Nasenflügel {m} (Ala nasi / Pinna nasi) [anat.] nasal wing; wing of (the) nose; ala of the nose

Nasenflügel {pl} nasal wings; wings of nose; alas of the nose

Ohrmuschel {f} [anat.] pinna (of the ear); auricle; pavillon of the ear

Ohrmuscheln {pl} pinnas; auricles; pavillons of the ear

Pinna-Steckmuscheln {pl} (Pinna) (zoologische Gattung) [zool.] pinna pen shells (zoological genus)

Edle Steckmuschel {f}; Große Steckmuschel {f} (Pinna nobilis) noble pen shell; fan mussel

Zinne {f} [arch.] merlon

Zinnen {pl} merlons
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