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12 Ergebnisse für Upland
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 Deutsch  Englisch

Gebirgsmoor {n} upland mire

Prärieläufer {m} (Bartramia longicauda) [ornith.] upland sandpiper; Bartram's sandpiper; upland plover

Hochland-Wollrücken {m} [ornith.] upland antshrike

Mattenpieper {m} [ornith.] upland pipit

Hochmoor {n}; Heidemoor {n}; Regenmoor {n}; ombrotrophes Moor {n} [geogr.] moorland; high moor; heather moor; moor; bogland; high bog; raised bog; domed bog; raised mire; domed mire; upland bog; rain-fed bog; ombrotrophic / ombrophilous bog [anhören]

Hochmoore {pl}; Heidemoore {pl}; Regenmoore {pl}; ombrotrophe Moore {pl} moorlands; high moors; heather moors; moors; boglands; high bogs; raised bogs; domed bogs; raised mires; domed mires; upland bogs; rain-fed bogs; ombrotrophic / ombrophilous bogs

Niederungsmoor {n}; Talmoor {n} valley bog; head-water bog

rheophiles Hochmoor rheophilous bog

Torfhügelmoor {n}; Palsenmoor {n} palsa bog

im Moor on the moors

Berggebiet {n}; Bergregion {f} mountainous region; mountain area; mountain region; upland area

Berggebiete {pl}; Bergregionen {pl} mountainous regions; mountain areas; mountain regions; upland areas

Unternehmen in Berggebieten businesses in mountain areas

Hochfläche {f} flat upland area

Hochflächen {pl} flat upland areas

Hochland {n} [geogr.] uplands; highland; upland

unbewaldetes Hochland {n} wold [Br.]; wolds [Br.]

Hochebene {f} [geogr.] high plain; upland plain; elevated tableland

Egge {f} [agr.] harrow

Eggen {pl} harrows

Ackeregge {f} heavy harrow; general harrow

Bergeegge {f} upland harrow

Buschegge {f} bush harrow

Grubberegge {f} drag harrow

Kreiselegge {f}; Rotoregge {f} rotary harrow

Löffelegge {f} chisel-toothed harrow

Messeregge {f} knife harrow; pasture harrow

Mittelbalken {m} der Egge bull of the harrow

Saategge {f} seed harrow; medium harrow

Sternwälzegge {f} roller harrow; corrugated roller; cultipacker; soil pulverizer

Neubewaldung {f}; Bewaldung {f}; Neuaufforstung {f}; Aufforstung {f}; Waldbestandsgründung {f}; Umwandlung {f} von Ackerland in Waldflächen [agr.] afforestation; forestation; forest development

Hochlagenbewaldung {f}; Hochlagenaufforstung {f} upland afforestation [Br.]; high-altitude afforestation [Am.]

Echte Bussarde {pl} (Buteo) (zoologische Gattung) [ornith.] buzzards [Br.]; hawks [Am.] (zoological genus)

Adlerbussard {m} (Buteo rufinus) long-legged buzzard

Bergbussard {m} (Buteo oreophilus) African mountain buzzard; mountain buzzard

Felsenbussard {m}; Augurbussard {m} (Buteo augur) augur buzzard

Galapagosbussard {m} (Buteo galapagoensis) galapagos hawk

Haitibussard {m} (Buteo ridgwayi) Ridgway's hawk

Hochlandbussard {m}; Mongolenbussard {m} (Buteo hemilasius) upland buzzard; Mongolian buzzard

Madagaskarbussard {m} (Buteo brachypterus) Madagascar buzzard

Mäusebussard {m} (Buteo buteo) common buzzard; Eurasian buzzard

Präriebussard {m} (Buteo swainsoni) Swainson's hawk; grasshopper hawk [coll.]; locust hawk [coll.]

Raufußbussard {m}; Rauhfußbussard {m} (Buteo lagopus) rough-legged buzzard [Br.]; rough-legged hawk [Am.]; rough-legged falcon [Am.]

Rotschulterbussard {m} (Buteo lineatus) red-shouldered hawk

Schakalbussard {m} (Buteo rufofuscus) jackal buzzard
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