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14 ähnliche Ergebnisse für Rotaria
Tipp: Suche nach mehreren Wörtern (ODER verknüpft): Wort1, Wort2

 Deutsch  Englisch

Ähnliche Wörter:
Amazonas-Sotalia, Notariat, Notarin, Rosalia-Bockkäfer, Rosario, Rotary-Bohrung, Sotalia-Delfin, Totara-Steineibe
Ähnliche Wörter:
Rosario, Sotalia, Tataria, notarial, rotaries, rotary, solaria, totara

Notarassessor {m}; Notariatsassessor {m}; Notar(iats)substitut {m} [Ös.] deputy civil-law notary

Notariatsgebühren {pl} notarial fees

Notariatskammer {f} Chamber of Civil-Law Notaries

Notariatskosten {pl} notarial charges

Notariatsordnung {f} [jur.] Public Notaries Act

Notariat {n} notary's office

Notariate {pl} notary's offices

Notariatsakt {m} (Beurkundung durch einen Notar) [jur.] notarial act

Notariatsakte {pl} notarial acts

Mit Notariatsakt vom 5. November wurde das Aktienkapital erhöht. By notarial act of 5 November, the share capital was increased.

Notariatsstempel {m} notarial seal

Notariatsstempel {pl} notarial seals

Notariatsurkunde {f} notarial deed; notarial document

Notariatsurkunden {pl} notarial deeds; notarial documents

Notariatsverweser {m} administrator of a notary's office

Notariatsverweser {pl} administrators of a notary's office

Notaritatsgehilfe {m} notary's assistant [Br.]

Notariatsgehilfen {pl} notary's assistants

Rotationsdruckmaschine {f}; Rotationsmaschine {f} [print] rotary printing press; rotary press; rotary machine; rotary

Rotationsdruckmaschinen {pl}; Rotationsmaschinen {pl} rotary printing presses; rotary presses; rotary machines; rotaries

Bogen-Rotationsdruckmaschine {f}; Bogenrotationsmaschine {f} sheet-fed rotary press; sheet-fed rotary machine

notariell {adj} notarial

notarielle Beurkundung {f} authentication by a notary; notarization; notarisation [Br.]

notarielle Niederschrift {f} notarial record; notarial recording

Urkundenrolle {f} [jur.] notarial register; roll of deeds

Urkundenrollen {pl} notarial registes; rolls of deeds
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