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74 ähnliche Ergebnisse für Philipp III.
Einzelsuche: Philipp · III
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Philippinen {n} /PH/ (Kfz: /RP/) [geogr.] Philippines

auf den Philippinen in the Philippines

Philipp der Streitbare [hist.] Philip the Contentious

Aeta {m}; Agta {m}; Ayta {m} (Ureinwohner der Philippinen) [soc.] Aeta; Agta; Dumagat (native Filipino)

Philippika {f} (eine der Reden des Demosthenes gegen König Philipp von Mazedonien) [hist.] philippic (one of Demosthenes' speeches against king Philip II of Macedon)

Philippinensee {f} [geogr.] Philippine Sea

Strafrede {f} philippic; punitive speech

Philippinisch {n}; Filipino {n} [ling.] Filipino

philippinisch {adj} [geogr.] Philippine; Filipino

Tagalog {m} [geogr.] Tagalog; member (language) of the native people of the Philippines

Manila (Hauptstadt der Philippinen) [geogr.] Manila (capital of the Philippines)

Davao (Stadt auf den Philippinen) [geogr.] Davao (city in the Philippines)

Cebu (Stadt auf den Philippinen) [geogr.] Cebu (city in the Philippines)

Baguio City (Benguet, Philippinen) [geogr.] City of Baguio (Benguet, Philippines)

Philippinenente {f} [ornith.] Philippine duck

Affenadler {m} [ornith.] Philippine eagle

Philippinenadler {m} [ornith.] Philippine hawk eagle

Zweifarbenfälkchen {n} [ornith.] Philippine falconet

Philippinenhuhn {n} [ornith.] Philippine scrub fowl

Graukopf-Fruchttaube {f} [ornith.] Philippine zone-tailed pigeon

Philippinenpapageichen {n} [ornith.] Philippine hanging parrot

Philippinen-Spatelschwanzpapagei {m} [ornith.] blue-crowned racket-tailed parrot

Philippinenkuckuck {m} [ornith.] Philippine coucal

Streifenuhu {m} [ornith.] Philippine eagle owl

Philippinenkauz {m} [ornith.] Philippine hawk owl

Philippinen-Zwergohreule {f} [ornith.] south philippines scops owl

Philippinen-Halsbandeule {f} [ornith.] Philippine scops owl

Grausalangane {f} [ornith.] Philippine swiftlet

Philippinensalangane {f} [ornith.] Whitehead's swiftlet

Philippinensegler {m} [ornith.] Philippine spinetailed swift

Dünnschnabeleremit {m} (Phaethornis philippii) [ornith.] needle-billed hermit

Philippinentrogon {m} [ornith.] Philippine trogon

Goldfischer {m} [ornith.] Philippine forest kingfisher

Philippinenspecht {m} [ornith.] sooty woodpecker

Scopolispecht {m} [ornith.] Philippine pygmy woodpecker

Philippinenbreitrachen {n} [ornith.] wattled broadbill

Glanzraupenfänger {m} [ornith.] Philippine black greybird

Philippinenraupenfänger {m} [ornith.] Philippine cicadabird

Panayraupenfänger {m} [ornith.] philippines greybird

Philippinenlalage {f} [ornith.] black & white triller

Philippinenblattvogel {m} [ornith.] yellow-quilled leafbird

Philippinenwürger {m} [ornith.] strong-billed shrike

Luzonrötel {m} [ornith.] Philippine water redstart

Philippinenlaubsänger {m} [ornith.] Philippine leaf warbler

Philippinengrundschnäpper {m} [ornith.] Vaurie's flycatcher

Azurschnäpper {m} [ornith.] Philippine verditer flycatcher

Philippinendickkopf {m} [ornith.] yellow-bellied whistler

Rostbauch-Mistelfresser {m} [ornith.] Philippine flowerpecker

Luzonbrillenvogel {m} [ornith.] Philippine white-eye

Philippinenbrillenvogel {m} [ornith.] Philippine yellow white-eye

Malaienstar {m} [ornith.] Philippine glossy starling

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