Dictionary - TU Chemnitz

 German  English

Operator {m} (Symbol einer Operation) [math.] operator (symbol of an operation) [listen]

logischer Operator; Boole'scher Operator logical operator; Boolean operator

Suchoperator {m} [comp.] search operator

vollstetiger Operator completely continuous operator; uniformly continuous operator

Bitketten-Operator {m} [comp.] bit-string operator

Bitketten-Operatoren {pl} bit-string operators

Energieoperator {m}; Hamilton-Operator {m} [phys.] energy operator; Hamilton(ian) operator

Hamiltonoperator {m} [phys.] Hamiltonian (operator)

ausschließendes Oder (logischer Operator) [comp.] [math.] exclusive-OR (logical operator)

Operatornorm {f} [math.] operator norm

Operatorprädikat {n} predicate operator

Rechenzeichen {n}; arithmetischer Operator [math.] arithmetic operator

Rechenzeichen {pl}; arithmetische Operatoren arithmetic operators

Sobel-Operator {m} [math.] sobel operator

Differentialoperator {m} [math.] differential operator

Differentialoperatoren {pl} differential operators

Eigenspektrum {n} (Menge aller Eigenwerte eines linearen Operators) [math.] eigenspectrum (set of all eigenvalues of a linear operator)

Eigenspektren {pl} eigenspectra

Mittelungsoperator {m} [statist.] averaging operator

Mittelungsoperatoren {pl} averaging operators

Vektoroperator {m} [math.] [comp.] vector operator

Vektoroperatoren {pl} vector operators

Vergleichsoperator {m} [comp.] comparison operator; comparator; relational operator

Vergleichsoperatoren {pl} comparison operators; comparators; relational operators