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18 Ergebnisse für Phosphate | Phosphate
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 Deutsch  Englisch

Phosphat {n} [chem.] phosphate

Phosphate {pl} phosphates

Natriumphosphat {n} sodium phosphate

Phosphatentfernung {f} [envir.] phosphate stripping

Phosphatanalyse {f} [chem.] phosphate analysis

Phosphatdünger {m} [agr.] phosphate fertilizer

Phosphorit {n} [min.] phosphorite; phosphate rock; rock phosphate

knolliger Phosphorit pebble phosphates

Ammoniumphosphat {n} [chem.] ammonium phosphate

Kalziumphosphat {n} [chem.] calcium phosphate

Kodeinphosphat {n} [pharm.] codeine phosphate

Kodeinphosphatsirup {m} [pharm.] codeine phosphate syrum; codeine syrup

Redondaphosphat {n} [chem.] Redonda phosphate

Siliko-Phosphat-Zement {m} [constr.] silico-phosphate cement

Trinatriumphosphat {n} [chem.] trisodium phosphate

Zinkphosphat {n} [chem.] zinc phosphate

Zucker-Phosphat-Rückgrat {n} (in der DNS) [biochem.] sugar-phosphate backbone (in the DNA)

dreibasisches Calciumphosphat {n}; Tricalciumphosphat {n} [chem.] tricalcium phosphate

reduktiver Pentosephosphat-Zyklus {m}; Ribulosebisphosphatzyklus {m}; Calvin-Benson-Zyklus; Calvin-Zyklus {m} [biochem.] reductive pentose phosphate cycle; C3 cycle; Calvin-Benson-Bassham cycle; CBB cycle; Calvin cycle

Apatit {m} [min.] apatite; calcium phosphate

in einer Tabelle usw. nachsehen, ob ... {vi} to give a schedule etc. a check to see if ...

Ich sah dann kurz in der Liste der Inhaltsstoffe nach, ob künstliche Phosphate enthalten waren. I gave the ingredients list a quick check to see if it contained any artificial phosphates.
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