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7 ähnliche Ergebnisse für (spa)
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 Deutsch  Englisch

Ähnliche Wörter:
Opa, SEPA-Überweisung, Sp-Dr-Stellwerk, Spam, Span, Spat, Spax-Schraube, Spaß
Ähnliche Wörter:
deep-sea, pa, sea, sea--bed, sea--bottom, sea--floor, sea-air, sea-bladders, sea-devil, sea-doo, sea-launched, sea-spurreys, sea-worn, sp-hybridization, spAd, spa, spad, spam, span, spar, spas

Einmannpackung {f} (EPa) [mil.] 24 Hour Operational Ration Pack /ORP/ [Br.]; Meal Ready to Eat /MRE/ [Am.]; Combat Ration Pack /CRP/ [Austr.]; Individual Meal Pack /IMP/ (Canada)

Cava {m} (span. Schaumwein) [cook.] Cava (Spanish sparkling wine)

Dublone {f} (span. Goldmünze) doubloon (Spanish gold coin)

Anrainerstaat {m}; Anliegerstaat {m} [Dt.] eines Sees/Meeres [geogr.] littoral country; littoral state

Anrainerstaaten {pl}; Anliegerstaaten {pl} eines Sees/Meeres littoral countries; littoral states

die Bodenseeanrainerstaaten the Lake Constance littoral countries

die Anrainerstaaten des Kaspischen Meeres the Caspian Sea littoral countries

die Mittelmeeranrainerstaaten the countries bordering the Mediterranean (Sea); the states with a Mediterranean coastline

Entspannungsraum {m} mit Wärmeliegen; Tepidarium {n} (Wellnesseinrichtung) relaxation room with heated loungers; tepidarium (spa facility)

Entspannungsräume {pl} mit Wärmeliegen; Tepidarien {pl} relaxation room with heated loungerses; tepidaria

Meeresarm {m} [geogr.] arm of the sea; (sea) inlet [anhören]

Meeresarme {pl} arms of the sea; inlets

Softwareproduktlinie {f}; Software-Produktlinie {f} Software product line (SPL)

Software Product Line Conference (SPLC) Software Product Line Conference (SPLC)
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