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14 ähnliche Ergebnisse für Ilja
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 Deutsch  Englisch

Ähnliche Wörter:
Akja, Alija, Alma-Ata, Elba, Elia, Fla-Artillerie, Fla-Feuer, Fla-Flugkörper, Fla..., Gila, Gila-Tier, Gilles-de-la-Tourette-Syndrom, Ili, Ill, Inia, Inka, Iota, Iowa, Ja, Ja-Glied, Ja-Nein-Frage
Ähnliche Wörter:
Elba, Gila, Ili, Ill, Inca, Iota, La!, Port-Vila, Shangri-La, Wilma, ala, alga, cilia, devils-in-a-bush, flea, idea, ilk, ill, ill-assorted, ill-bred, ill-conceived

Beckenkamm {m} [anat.] iliac crest

Beckenkammpunktion {f} [med.] iliac crest puncture

Hüftbein {n}; Hüftknochen {m} [anat.] hip bone; hipbone; innominate bone; iliac bone

Illativ {m} [ling.] illative case; illative

Niwchen {pl}; Giljaken {pl} [soc.] Nivkh; Nivkhs; Nivkhi; Gilyak

Iliamna-See {m} [geogr.] Lake Iliamna; Iliamna Lake

Fuchsammer {f} (Passerella iliaca) [ornith.] fox sparrow

Ilvait {m} [min.] ilvaite

"Die Ilias" (von Homer / Werktitel) [lit.] 'The Iliad' (by Homer / work title)

Beckenschaufelfraktur {f} [med.] iliac wing fracture

Beckenschaufelfrakturen {pl} iliac wing fractures

Steppe {f} [geogr.] steppe; grass-covered plain; temperate grassland; pampa (Argentina); scrub (Australia); veld(t) (South Africa); Ilanos (Orinoco)

Steppen {pl} steppes; grass-covered plains

Thrombose {f}; Blutpfropfbildung {f} [med.] thrombosis; thrombose

Thrombosen {pl} thromboses

tiefe Beinvenenthrombose deep vein thrombosis /DVT/ of the leg

tiefe Venenthrombose /TVT/; Phlebothrombose deep vein thrombosis; deep venous thrombosis /DVT/

1-Etagen-TVT; 1-Etagen-Phlebothrombose isolated calf DVT; DVT of the calf veins

2-Etagen-TVT; 2-Etagen-Phlebothrombose popliteal and calf DVT; DVT involving the calf and popliteal vessels

3-Etagen-TVT; 3-Etagen-Phlebothrombose femoropopliteal and calf DVT; DVT involving calf, popliteal, and femoral vessels

4-Etagen-TVT; 4-Etagen-Phlebothrombose iliofemoral, femoropopliteal and calf DVT; DVT involving calf, popliteal, femoral, and iliac vessels

asymptotisch verlaufend; asymptotisch {adj} [math.] asymptotic

asymptotische Analyse {f} asymptotic analysis

asymptotische Entwicklung {f} asymptotic expansion

asymptotische Folge {f} asymptotic series; asymptotic expansion; Poincaré expansion

asymptotische Stabilität {f}; Ljapunow-Stabilität {f} asymptotic stability; Lyapunov stability

asymptotisches Verhalten (einer Funktion) {n} asymptotic behaviour (of a function)

Echte Drosseln {pl} (Turdus) (zoologische Gattung) [ornith.] true thrushes (zoological genus)

Amsel {f}; Schwarzdrossel {f} (Turdus merula) [anhören] Eurasian blackbird

Bechsteindrossel {f} (Turdus ruficollis) dark-throated thrush; black-throated thrush

Einfarbdrossel {f} (Turdus unicolor) Tickell's thrush

Misteldrossel {f} (Turdus viscivorus) mistle thrush

Naumanndrossel {f} (Turdus naumanni) Dusky thrush; naumann's thrush

Ringdrossel {f} (Turdus torquatus) ring ouzel

Rotdrossel {f} (Turdus iliacus) redwing

Singdrossel {f}; Drossel {f} (Turdus philomelos) [anhören] song thrush; throstle [poet.]

Wacholderdrossel {f} (Turdus pilaris) fieldfare

Wanderdrossel {f} (Turdus migratorius) American robin

Weißbrauendrossel {f} (Turdus obscurus) eye-browed thrush
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