Dictionary - TU Chemnitz

 English  German

sebaceous gland Talgdrüse {f}

sebaceous glands Talgdrüsen {pl}

sebaceous Talg...

epidermal cyst; epidermoid cyst; infundibular cyst; sebaceous retention cyst; monodermoma Talgretentionszyste {f}; epidermale Einschlusszyste {f}; Epidermiszyste {f}; Epidermoidzyste {f}; infundibuläre Follikelzyste {f}; (echtes) Atherom {n} [med.]

epidermal cysts; epidermoid cysts; infundibular cysts; sebaceous retention cysts; monodermomata Talgretentionszysten {pl}; epidermale Einschlusszysten {pl}; Epidermiszysten {pl}; Epidermoidzysten {pl}; infundibuläre Follikelzysten {pl}; Atherome {pl}

palpebral/ciliary/Zeis's gland; sebaceous gland of Zeis [listen] Wimperndrüse {f}; Wimpernbalgdrüse {f} [anat.]

birthmark; mole; naevus; nevus [Am.]; spiloma [listen] Muttermal {n}; Geburtsmal {n} [selten]; Mal {n}; Nävus {m} (Naevus) [anat.] [listen]

achromic naevus; amelanotic naevus; Ito naevus achromatischer Nävus; amelanotischer Nävus; hypomelanotischer Naevus; Ito-Syndrom (Naevus achromicus / Naevus achromians / Naevus depigmentosus)

spider naevus; arachnoid naevus; spider angioma; stellate naevus Spinnenmal; Spinnwebennävus; Spinnennävus; (Naevus araneus / Naevus arachnoideus / Naevus stellatus)

follicular naevus Naevus comedonicus

mulberry mark; strawberry mark Naevus morus

hairy naevus; pilose naevus behaarter Nävus; Haarnävus {m} (Naevus pilosus)

lymphatic naevus Lymphnävus {m} (Naevus lymphaticus)

pigmented naevus; pigmented mole; liver spot Pignmentnävus {m}; braunes Pigmentmal {n}; Leberfleck {m} (Naevus pigmentosus)

Klippel-Trénaunay-Weber syndrome; angioosteohypertrophy partieller angiektatischer Riesenwuchs {m}; angioosteohypertrophisches Syndrom {n} (Naevus osteohypertrophicus)

naevus spilus Spilus {m}; Kiebitzei-Nävus {m} (Naevus spilus)

stellar naevus Sternennävus {m} (Naevus stellaris)

sebaceous naevus; organoid nevus Talgdrüsennävus {m} (Naevus sebaceus)

verrucous naevus; epidermal naevus; linear naevus Warzennävus {m} (Naevus verrucosus)

naevus papillomatosus warzenförmiger Nävus; melanozytärer papillomatöser Naevus {m}; molluskoider Naevuszellnaevus {m} (Naevus papillomatosus)

white sponge naevus of the mucosa; congential leucokeratosis mucosae oris Naevus spongiosus albus