Dictionary - TU Chemnitz

 English  German

four-star hotel Vier-Sterne-Hotel {n}

four-star hotels Vier-Sterne-Hotels {pl}

petrol [Br.]; gasoline [Am.]; gas [Am.] [listen] [listen] [listen] Benzin {n}; Motorenbenzin {m}; Sprit {m} [ugs.] [listen]

sweet gasoline mercaptanfreies Benzin

catalytic petrol [Br.]; catalytic gasoline [Am.] Katalytbenzin {n}

low-octane petrol/gasoline/gas Normalbenzin {n}

four-star petrol [Br.]; premium (grade) gas [Am.]; premium [Am.] [coll.] [listen] Superbenzin {n}

gas-guzzling Benzin schluckend [ugs.]

General /Gen./ [Br.] [Am.] [Can.] (rank) General {m} /Gen/ [Dt.] [Ös.] [Schw.] (Dienstgrad) [mil.]

Generals Generale {pl}; Generäle {pl}

Corps Commander Kommandierender General /KG/

one-star general Einsternegeneral {m}

four-star general Viersternegeneral {m}

to put in (the tank); to get (fuel); to take on (fuel) [aviat.] [naut.] [listen] [listen] [listen] (Treibstoff) tanken {vt}

I put only 20 litres/liters in (the tank). Ich habe nur 20 Liter getankt.

I'll just put 30 euros' worth in. Ich tanke nur für 30 Euro.

Do you use unleaded? Tankst Du bleifrei?

I use unleaded four-star petrol [Br.] / premium (grade) gas [Am.]. Ich tanke immer Super bleifrei.