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19 Ergebnisse für Isotope | Isotope
Tipp: Umrechnen von Maßeinheiten

 Deutsch  Englisch

Isotopenlabor {n} (Kerntechnik) [techn.] isotope laboratory (nuclear engineering)

Isotopenlabore {pl} isotope laboratories

Isotopentriebwerk {n} (Raumfahrt) [techn.] isotope propulsion unit (astronautics)

Isotopentriebwerke {pl} isotope propulsion units

Isotopenverschiebung {f} [phys.] isotope shift

Isotopenverschiebungen {pl} isotope shifts

Isotopenaustausch {m} [chem.] isotope exchange

Isotopengeochemie {f} [chem.] [geol.] isotope geochemistry

Isotopenhäufigkeit {f} [phys.] isotope abundance; isotopic abundance

Isotopentrennung {f} (Kerntechnik) [techn.] isotope separation; isotopic separation (nuclear engineering)

Isotopenverdünnungsanalyse {f} (Kerntechnik) [techn.] isotope dilution analysis; isotopic dilution analysis (nuclear engineering)

Isotopenverteilung {f} [phys.] isotope pattern

Isotop {n} [phys.] isotope

Isotope {pl} isotopes

aktivierendes Isotop activating isotope

stabiles Isotop stable isotop

radioaktives Isotop radioactive isotope; radioisotope

künstliches radioaktives Isotop man-made radioisotope; artificially produced radioisotope

Nukliderzeugungsreaktor {m} (Kerntechnik) [techn.] isotope-production reactor (nuclear engineering)

Nukliderzeugungsreaktoren {pl} isotope-production reactors

Homogenisierung {f} des Rückstands (Isotopentrennung) (Kerntechnik) [techn.] isotope mixing (isotope separation) (nuclear engineering)

radioisotopes Brayton-System {n} [phys.] isotope Brayton system

Zerfallsprodukt {n}; Tochterkern {m}; Restkern {m} (Reaktortechnik) decay product; daughter product; daughter isotope; daughter nuclide; daughter nucleus; residual nucleus (reactor technology)

Zerfallsprodukte {pl}; Tochterkerne {pl}; Restkerne {pl} decay products; daughter products; daughter isotopes; daughter nuclides; daughter nuclei; residual nuclei

Zerfallsprozesse {pl}; Zerfallsvorgänge {pl}; Verfallsprozesse {pl} decay processes; processes of disintegration

Leitisotop {n}; Indikatorisotop {n}; Isotopenindikator {m}; Isotopentracer {m} [chem.] [phys.] [techn.] indicator isotope; isotopic indicator; isotopic tracer; isotopic label

Leitisotopen {pl}; Indikatorisotopen {pl}; Isotopenindikatoren {pl}; Isotopentracer {pl} indicator isotopes; isotopic indicators; isotopic tracers; isotopic labels

Häufigkeitsverhältnis {n} (zweier Isotope) [phys.] abundance ratio

Chemie {f} [chem.] [anhören] chemistry [anhören]

analytische Chemie analytical chemistry

anorganische Chemie inorganic chemistry

Aromatenchemie {f} chemistry of aromatic compounds

Biochemie {f} [biochem.] biochemistry

Computerchemie {f} computational chemistry

Elektrochemie {f} electrochemistry

Fettchemie {f}; Oleochemie {f} oleochemistry

Isotopenchemie {f} isotope chemistry

Koordinationschemie {f}; Komplexchemie {f} coordination chemistry

organische Chemie organic chemistry

physikalische Chemie; Physikochemie {f} physical chemistry

Pharmakochemie {f} pharmaceutical chemistry; pharmacochemistry

Quantenchemie {f} quantum chemistry

Sonochemie {f} sonochemistry

Stereochemie {f} stereochemistry

technische Chemie technical chemistry

Wasserchemie {f} water chemistry; aquatic chemistry; hydrochemistry

Chemie der heißen Atome; Recoil-Chemie {f} hot atom chemistry; recoil chemistry

Chemie der Atmosphäre atmochemistry

Isotron {n} (ein elektromagnetischer Isotopentrenner) (Kerntechnik) [techn.] isotron (an isotope separator) (nuclear engineering)

Isotronen {pl} isotrons

Untersuchung {f} [geol.] [anhören] investigation; analysis [anhören] [anhören]

faziell-ökologische Untersuchung investigation of the facies and ecology

gefügekundliche Untersuchung investigation of fabrics

statistische Gerölluntersuchung; geröllstatistische Untersuchung statistical boulder analysis

isotopengeochemische Untersuchung isotope geochemical study

lagerstättenkundliche Untersuchung tectonic investigation of deposits

tiefseismische Untersuchung deep seismic sounding
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