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18 ähnliche Ergebnisse für Aeacus
Tipp: Geschlecht deutscher Substantive:
{m} = männl., {f} = weibl., {n} = sächl., {pl} = Plural

 Deutsch  Englisch

Ähnliche Wörter:
Abakus, Beaus
Ähnliche Wörter:
abacus, Aeolus, beaus, reacts, teacup, teacups

Kapitellplatte {f}; Deckplatte {f} (des Säulenkapitells); Abakus {m} [arch.] abacus

Karden {pl} (Dipsacus) (botanische Gattung) [bot.] teasels; teazels; teazles (botanical genus)

Muntjaks {pl} (Muntiacus) (zoologische Gattung) [zool.] barking deer; Mastreani deer; muntjacs (zoological genus)

Rechenbrett {n}; Abakus {m} [math.] abacus

Spartakus (Gladiator des Römisches Reiches) [hist.] Spartacus (gladiator of ancient Rome)

Blutspecht {m} (Dendrocopos syriacus) [ornith.] syrian woodpecker

Kiefernkreuzschnabel {m} (Loxia pytyopsittacus) [ornith.] parrot crossbill

Nilgans {f} (Alopochen aegyptiacus) [ornith.] Egyptian goose

Rotkehlchen {n} (Erithacus rubecula) [ornith.] European robin

Abakusblume {f} [arch.] abacus flower

Abakusblumen {pl} abacus flowers

Abakussäule {f} [arch.] abacus column

Abakussäulen {pl} abacus columns

Langohrfledermäuse {pl} (Plecotus) (zoologische Gattung) long-eared bats (zoological genus)

Braunes Langohr {n} (Plecotus auritus) brown long-eared bat; common long-eared bat

Graues Langohr {n} (Plecotus austriacus) grey long-eared bat

Pacifastacus-Krebse {pl} (Pacifastacus) (zoologische Gattung) [zool.] pacifastacus crayfish (zoological genus)

Signalkrebs {m} (Pacifastacus leniusculus) signal crayfish

Schwarzottern {pl} (Pseudechis) (zoologische Gattung) [zool.] black snakes (zoological genus)

Rotbäuchige Schwarzotter {f}; Rotbauchschwarzotter {f} (Pseudechis porphyriacus) red-bellied black snake

Wellensittich {m}; Welli {m} [Kindersprache] (Melopsittacus undulatus) [ornith.] budgerigar; budgie bird (children's language); budgie [coll.]; common parakeet; shell parakeet

Wellensittiche {pl}; Wellis {pl} budgerigars; budgie birds; budgies; common parakeets; shell parakeets

Echte Drosseln {pl} (Turdus) (zoologische Gattung) [ornith.] true thrushes (zoological genus)

Amsel {f}; Schwarzdrossel {f} (Turdus merula) [anhören] Eurasian blackbird

Bechsteindrossel {f} (Turdus ruficollis) dark-throated thrush; black-throated thrush

Einfarbdrossel {f} (Turdus unicolor) Tickell's thrush

Misteldrossel {f} (Turdus viscivorus) mistle thrush

Naumanndrossel {f} (Turdus naumanni) Dusky thrush; naumann's thrush

Ringdrossel {f} (Turdus torquatus) ring ouzel

Rotdrossel {f} (Turdus iliacus) redwing

Singdrossel {f}; Drossel {f} (Turdus philomelos) [anhören] song thrush; throstle [poet.]

Wacholderdrossel {f} (Turdus pilaris) fieldfare

Wanderdrossel {f} (Turdus migratorius) American robin

Weißbrauendrossel {f} (Turdus obscurus) eye-browed thrush

Uhus {pl} (Bubo) (zoologische Gattung) [ornith.] eagle owls and horned owls (zoological genus)

Europäischer Uhu {m} (Bubo bubo) European eagle owl; Eurasian eagle owl; Northern eagle owl

Schnee-Eule {f} (Bubo scandiacus/Nyctea scandiaca) snowy owl

Wüstenuhu {m}; Pharaonenuhu {m} (Bubo ascalaphus) pharaoh eagle-owl

Karmingimpel {pl} (Carpodacus) (zoologische Gattung) [ornith.] rosefinches (zoological genus)

Auroragimpel {m} Stresemann's rosefinch

Berggimpel {m} Caucasian great rosefinch

Bindengimpel {m} three-banded rosefinch

Blanfordgimpel {m} Blanford's rosefinch

Burtongimpel {m} red-browed rosefinch

Dünnschnabelgimpel {m} (Carpodacus nipalensis) dark-breasted rosefinch

Edwardsgimpel {m} large rosefinch

Einödgimpel {m} sinai rosefinch

Felsengimpel {m} rose-breasted rosefinch

Fleckengimpel {m} spot-winged rosefinch

Gebirgsgimpel {m} eastern great rosefinch

Karmingimpel {m} (Carpodacus erythrinus) common rosefinch

Meisengimpel {m} long-tailed rosefinch

Roborowskigimpel {m} tibet rosefinch

Rosenbrauengimpel {m} pink-browed rosefinch

Rosengimpel {m} Pallas's rosefinch

Rosenmantelgimpel {m} red-mantled rosefinch

Rosenschwanzgimpel {m} Przewalski's rosefinch

Rubingimpel {m} vinaceous rosefinch

Schmuckgimpel {m} beautiful rosefinch

Weißbrauengimpel {m} white-browed rosefinch
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