Dictionary - TU Chemnitz

 English  German

'The Metamorphosis' (by Kafka / work title) "Die Verwandlung" (von Kafka / Werktitel) [lit.]

'The Judgement' (by Kafka / work title) "Das Urteil" (von Kafka / Werktitel) [lit.]

'The Castle' (by Kafka / work title) "Das Schloss" (von Kafka / Werktitel) [lit.]

'The Trial' (by Kafka / work title) "Der Prozess" (von Kafka / Werktitel) [lit.]

'Description of a Struggle' (by Kafka / work title) "Beschreibung eines Kampfes" (von Kafka / Werktitel) [lit.]

'Wedding Preparations in the Country' (by Kafka / work title) "Hochzeitsvorbereitungen auf dem Lande" (von Kafka / Werktitel) [lit.]

'The Village Schoolmaster' (by Kafka / work title) "Der Dorfschullehrer (Der Riesenmaulwurf)" (von Kafka / Werktitel) [lit.]

'The Warden of the Tomb' (by Kafka / work title) "Der Gruftwächter" (von Kafka / Werktitel) [lit.]

'The Great Wall of China' (by Kafka / work title) "Beim Bau der Chinesischen Mauer" (von Kafka / Werktitel) [lit.]

'First Sorrow' (by Kafka / work title) "Erstes Leid" (von Kafka / Werktitel) [lit.]

'The Burrow' (by Kafka / work title) "Der Bau" (von Kafka / Werktitel) [lit.]

'In the Penal Settlement' (by Kafka / work title) "In der Strafkolonie" (von Kafka / Werktitel) [lit.]

'The Refusal' (by Kafka / work title) "Die Abweisung" (von Kafka / Werktitel) [lit.]

'Investigations of a Dog' (by Kafka / work title) "Forschungen eines Hundes" (von Kafka / Werktitel) [lit.]

'A Fasting Artist'; 'A Starvation Artist' (by Kafka / work title) "Ein Hungerkünstler" (von Kafka / Werktitel) [lit.]

'Bachelor's ill Luck'; 'The Fate of a Bachelor' (by Kafka / work title) "Das Unglück des Junggesellen" (von Kafka / Werktitel) [lit.]

'On the Tram' (by Kafka / work title) "Der Fahrgast" (von Kafka / Werktitel) [lit.]

'Absent-minded Window-gazing' (by Kafka / work title) "Zerstreutes Hinausschaun" (von Kafka / Werktitel) [lit.]

'Unmasking a Confidence Trickster' (by Kafka / work title) "Entlarvung eines Bauernfängers" (von Kafka / Werktitel) [lit.]

'The Cares of a Family Man' (by Kafka / work title) "Die Sorge des Hausvaters" (von Kafka / Werktitel) [lit.]

'An Old Manuscript' (by Kafka / work title) "Ein altes Blatt" (von Kafka / Werktitel) [lit.]

'A common Confusion' (by Kafka / work title) "Eine alltägliche Verwirrung" (von Kafka / Werktitel) [lit.]

'Children on a Country Road' (by Kafka / work title) "Kinder auf der Landstraße" (von Kafka / Werktitel) [lit.]

'Passers-by' (by Kafka / work title) "Die Vorüberlaufenden" (von Kafka / Werktitel) [lit.]

'Excursion into the Mountains' (by Kafka / work title) "Der Ausflug ins Gebirge" (von Kafka / Werktitel) [lit.]

'The Businessman' (by Kafka / work title) "Der Kaufmann" (von Kafka / Werktitel) [lit.]

'The Knock at the Manor Gate' (by Kafka / work title) "Der Schlag ans Hoftor" (von Kafka / Werktitel) [lit.]

'The Bucket Rider' (by Kafka / work title) "Der Kübelreiter" (von Kafka / Werktitel) [lit.]

'Up in the Gallery' (by Kafka / work title) "Auf der Galerie" (von Kafka / Werktitel) [lit.]

'A Message from the Emperor' (by Kafka / work title) "Eine kaiserliche Botschaft" (von Kafka / Werktitel) [lit.]