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92 Ergebnisse für Olive | Olive
Worttrennung: Oli·ve
Tipp: Mustersuche: Wort*

 Deutsch  Englisch

Olive {f} [bot.] [cook.] olive [anhören]

Oliven {pl} olives

Olivenbaum {m}; Echter Ölbaum {m} (Olea europaea) [bot.] olive tree

Olivenbäume {pl}; Echte Ölbäume {pl} olive trees

Olivenöl {n} [cook.] olive oil

Lampantolivenöl {n}; Lampantöl {n} lampante olive oil; lampante oil

Olivenzweig {m} olive branch

Olivenzweige {pl} olive branches

Olivenibis {m} [ornith.] olive ibis

Oliventaube {f} [ornith.] olive pigeon

Versöhnungsangebot {n}; Friedensangebot {n} olive branch [fig.]

jdm. ein Versöhnungsangebot/Friedensangebot machen to hold out/extend an olive branch to sb.

oliv; olivfarben; olivgrün {adj} olive; olive-green [anhören]

Olivkuckuck {m} [ornith.] olive long-tailed cuckoo

Goldrückenspecht {m} [ornith.] olive woodpecker

Rotschwanzschlüpfer {m} [ornith.] olive spinetail

Yungastyrann {m} [ornith.] olive flycatcher

Roraimapipra {m} [ornith.] olive manakin

Keniabülbül {m} [ornith.] olive mountain greenbul

Olivwürger {m} [ornith.] olive bush shrike

Kapdrossel {f} [ornith.] olive thrush

Aruschnäpper {m} [ornith.] olive microeca flycatcher

Buchendickkopf {m} [ornith.] olive whistler

Olivnektarvogel {m} [ornith.] olive sunbird

Schwarzring-Brillenvogel {m} [ornith.] olive black-eye

Olivbrillenvogel {m} [ornith.] olive white-eye

Olivrückenammer {f} [ornith.] olive sparrow

Olivbuschammer {f} [ornith.] olive finch

Trugwaldsänger {m} [ornith.] olive warbler

Olivkopf-Stirnvogel {m} [ornith.] olive oropendola

Sundapirol {m} [ornith.] olive brown oriole

Kaltextraktion {f} (Olivenöl) cold extraction (olive oil)

Ölbaumgewächse {pl} (Oleaceae) (botanische Familie) [bot.] oleaceous plants; olive family (botanical family)

Ölweiden {pl}; Oleaster {pl} (Elaeagnus) (botanische Gattung) [bot.] silverberries; olive berries; oleaster (botanical genus)

chromatiert {adj} with olive drap color

Baumpieper {m} (Anthus trivialis) [ornith.] tree pipit; olive-backed pipit

Waldpieper {m} (Anthus hodgsoni) [ornith.] olive-backed pipit

Olivenspötter {m} [ornith.] olive-tree warbler

Komorentaube {f} [ornith.] comoro olive pigeon

Rotschnabel-Oliventaube {f} [ornith.] cameroun olive pigeon

Langschwanz-Oliventaube {f} [ornith.] sao thome olive pigeon

Verraguataube {f} [ornith.] olive-backed quail dove

Aztekensittich {m} [ornith.] olive-throated conure

Grünkehl-Sonnennymphe {f} [ornith.] olive-throated sunangel

Fleckenkolibri {m} [ornith.] olive-spotted hummingbird

Olivrückenspecht {m} [ornith.] olive-backed woodpecker

Olivmantelspecht {m} [ornith.] golden-olive woodpecker

Schuppenbrust-Baumsteiger {m} [ornith.] olive-backed woodcreeper

Olivrücken-Baumspäher {m} [ornith.] olive-backed foliage-gleaner

Olivkappen-Bandvogel {m} [ornith.] olive-crowned crescentchest

Rundschwingen-Stricheltyrann {m} [ornith.] olive-striped flycatcher

Olivhaubentyrann {m} [ornith.] olive-crested flycatcher

Surinamlaubtyrann {m} [ornith.] olive-green tyrannulet

Bronzetyrann {m} [ornith.] bronze-olive pygmy tyrant

Olivscheitel-Breitschnabel {m} [ornith.] yellow-olive flycatcher

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