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14 Ergebnisse für palpebral | palpebral
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 Deutsch  Englisch

palpebral; das Augenlid betreffend {adj} [med.] palpebral; eyelid-related

Augenlidband {n}; Lidband {n} (Ligamentum palpebrale) [anat.] palpebral ligament

Augenlidbänder {pl}; Lidbänder {pl} palpebral ligaments

mittleres Lidband; mediales Lidband medial palpebral ligament; canthal palpebral ligament

seitliches Lidband; laterales Lidband laterial palpebral ligament

Augenlidarterie {f}; Lidarterie {f} [anat.] palpebral artery

mittlere Lidarterie medial palpebral artery

seitliche Lidarterie laterial palpebral artery

Augenlidknorpel {m}; Lidknorpel {m}; Lidfaserplatte {f}; Tarsalplatte {f}; Tarsusknorpel {m} (Lamina tarsalis) [anat.] palpebral cartilage; tarsal plate; tarsus

obere Lidfaserplatte tarsal plate of the upper eyelid

untere Lidfaserplatte tarsal plate of the lower eyelid

Augenlidfurche {f}; Lidfurche {f} (Commissura palpebralis) [anat.] palpebral commissure

Augenlidfurchen {pl}; Lidfurchen {pl} palpebral commissures

Lidumschlagfalte {f} [anat.] palpebral fold

Lidumschlagfalten {pl} palpebral folds

Augenlid-Elephantiasis {f}; Lidelephantiasis {f} (Elephantiasis palpebralis) [med.] palpebral elephantiasis

Lidknorpel {m}; Tarsus {m} [anat.] palpebral cartilage; tarsal plate; tarsus

Lidritze {f} [anat.] palpebral fissure; palpebral aperture

Wimpernausfall {m} [med.] palpebral alopecia

Augenwinkel {m}; Lidwinkel {m}; Lidspaltenwinkel {m} [anat.] corner of the eye; angle of the eye; palpebral angle; canthus

Augenwinkel {pl}; Lidwinkel {pl}; Lidspaltenwinkel {pl} canthi

mittlerer Lidspaltenwinkel medial angle of the eye

seitlicher Lidspaltenwinkel lateral angle of the eye

aus dem Augenwinkel out of the corner of one's eye

Lidvene {f} [anat.] vein of the eyelid; palpebral vein

Lidvenen {pl} veins of the eyelid; palpebral veins

obere Lidvene superior palpebral vein

Wimperndrüse {f}; Wimpernbalgdrüse {f} [anat.] palpebral/ciliary/Zeis's gland; sebaceous gland of Zeis [anhören]

(anatomische) Hautfalte {f} [anat.] skin crease; skin fold

Hautfalten {pl} skin creases; skin folds

Umschlagfalte {f} duplicature

Umschlagfalte {f} der Augenbindehaut palpebral fold

alveololingujale Umschlagfalte {f} alveololingual fold

Oberlidfurche {f} upper eyelid skin crease

Unterlidfurche {f} lower eyelid skin crease

Oberlidhautfalte {f}; Mongolenfalte {f}; Epikanthus {m} epicanthic fold; epicanthal fold; Mongolian fold; epicanthus
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