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6 ähnliche Ergebnisse für Savings & Loans
Einzelsuche: Savings · & · Loans
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 Deutsch  Englisch

Bausparkasse {f} [fin.] building society [Br.]; savings and loan association [Am.]

Bausparkassen {pl} building societies; savings and loan associations

Bausparkassenvertreter {m} agent of building society [Br.]/savings and loan association [Am.]

Bausparkassenvertreter {pl} agents of building society/savings and loan association

Bausparvertrag {m} [fin.] building society savings and loan contract; building society savings and loan agreement

Bausparverträge {pl} building society savings and loan contracts; building society savings and loan agreements

Bausparbeiträge {pl} [fin.] contributions to the building society [Br.] / savings and loan association [Am.]

Darlehenskasse {f} loan society

Darlehenskassen {pl} loan societies

Spar- und Darlehenskasse savings and loan association

langfristig {adj} [anhören] long-term; long-run [Am.] [anhören]

langfristiges Ziel long-term objective

langfristiges Beschäftigungsverhältnis long-term employment relationship

langfristiger Vertrag long-term contract

langfristiges Darlehen; langfristiger Kredit long-term loan; long-term credit

langfristige Spareinlagen long-term savings deposits; savings deposits at long notice

langfristige Verbindlichkeiten long-term liabilities; fixed liabilities

langfristig angelegtes Kapital long-term capital investment

langfristig angelegte Gelder long-term funded capital

Außenpolitik mit langem Atem long-term foreign policy
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