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7 ähnliche Ergebnisse für Bat Galim
Einzelsuche: Bat · Galim
Tipp: Beim Tippen: Pfeil nach rechts → um Wortvorschläge zu erhalten.

 Deutsch  Englisch

Seifenpflanzen {pl}; Seifenwurzeln {pl}; Amole {pl} (Chlorogalum) (zoologische Gattung) [bot.] soap plants; soaproots; amoles (zoological genus)

Labkräuter {pl} (Galium) (botanische Gattung) [bot.] bedstraws (botanical genus)

Dreihörniges Labkraut {n} (Galium tricornutum) roughfruit corn bedstraw; rough corn bedstraw; corn cleaver

Klettenlabkraut {n} (Galium aparine) cleaver; cleaver's herb; cliver; catchweed; coachweed; goosegrass; stickywilly; stickyjack; stickyweed; stickyleaf; Robin-run-the-hedge

Waldmeister {m} (Galium odoratum) woodruff; sweet woodruff; wild baby's breath

Milchsterne {pl}; Vogelmilch {f} (Ornithogalum) (botanische Gattung) [bot.] stars of Bethlehem (botanical genus)

Dolden-Milchstern {m}; Doldiger Milchstern {m}; Stern {m} von Bethlehem (Ornithogalum umbellatum) common star of Bethlehem; grass lily; nap-at-noon, eleven-o'clock lady

Orangefarbener Milchstern {m} (Ornithogalum dubium) sun star; orange star of Bethlehem

Rispenfarne {pl}; Königsfarne {pl} (Osmunda) (botanische Gattung) [bot.] royal ferns; osmunds (botanical genus)

gewöhnlicher Rispenfarn {m} (Osmunda regalis) royal fern; flowering fern

Teufelsfarn {m}; Kronenfarn {m}; dunkler Münzrollenfarn {m} (Osmunda claytoniana) interrupted fern

Zimtfarn {m} (Osmunda cinnamomea) cinnamon fern

Schafe {pl} (Ovis) (zoologische Gattung) [zool.] sheep (zoological genus) [anhören]

Hausschaf {n} (Ovis orientalis aries) domestic sheep

Wildschaf {n} (Ovis orientalis) wild sheep

Riesenwildschaf {n}; Argali {n} (Ovis ammon) mountain sheep; argali

Dall-Schaf {n}; Alaska-Schneeschaf {n} (Ovis dalli) dall sheep

Dickhornschaf {n} (Ovis canadensis) bighorn sheep

Urial {m}; Steppenschaf {n} (Ovis orientalis vignei-Gruppe) urial

Zackelschaf {n} (Ovis aries strepsiceros Hungaricus) racka

Senegalia-Akazien {pl} (Senegalia) (botanische Gattung) [bot.] senegalia acacias (botanical genus)

Gerberakazie {f}; Katechu-Akazie {f} (Senegalia catechu) catechu tree; cutchtree; black catechu; black cutch

Virus {n}; Virus {m} [ugs.] [med.] virus [anhören]

Viren {pl} viruses

abgeschwächtes Virus attenuated virus

Adenovirus {n} adenovirus

adeno-assoziiertes Virus adeno-associated virus

amphotropes Virus amphotropic virus

aviäres Virus; Virus, das bei Vögeln auftritt avian virus

bakterienpathogenes Virus bacterial virus

Croup-assoziiertes Virus croup-associated virus

dermatotropes Virus; dermotropes Virus dermotropic virus

DNS-Viren DNA viruses

Epstein-Barr-Virus Epstein-Barr virus; EB virus /EBV/

humanpathogene Viren human pathogenic viruses

humanes Cytomegalie-Virus human cytomegaly virus /HCMV/

humane Papillomviren/Papillomaviren /HPV/ human papillomaviruses /HPV/

(humanes) respiratorisches Synzytial-Virus; RS-Virus /HRSV/ /RSV/ human orthopneumovirus; (human) respiratory syncytial virus /RSV/

Impfvirus {n} vaccination virus

karyotropes Virus karyotropic virus

krebsauslösendes Virus; onkogenes Virus cancer-producing virus; oncogenic virus

langsames Virus slow virus

mesogenes Virus mesogenic virus

neurotropes Virus neurotropic virus

nicht filtrierbares Virus filter-passing virus; non-filterable virus; non-filtrable virus

respiratorisches Synzytial-Virus; RS-Virus respiratory syncitial virus

Retrovirus {n} retrovirus

Rhinovirus {n} rhinovirus

synzytiales Virus syncytial virus

tierisches Virus animal virus

Varizella-Zoster-Virus {n} varicella zoster virus

Wildvirus {n} wild virus; live virus
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