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32 Ergebnisse für Hormone | Hormone
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Hormon {n} [biochem.] hormone [anhören]

Hormone {pl} hormones

Drüsenhormon {n} glandular hormone

Schilddrüsenhormon {n} thyroid hormone

Steroidhormon {n} steroid hormone

Hormonersatztherapie {f} (HET); Hormonsubstitution {f} [med.] hormone replacement therapy (HRT)

Hormonbehandlung {f} [med.] hormone treatment

Hormonbehandlungen {pl} hormone treatments

Hormonpräparat {n} [med.] hormone preparation

Hormonpräparate {pl} hormone preparations

Hormontherapie {f} [med.] hormone therapy

paradoxe Hormontherapie contrahormonal therapy

Hormonhaushalt {m} [med.] hormone balance

Hormonspiegel {m} [med.] hormone level

Wachstumshormon {n} growth hormone

Wachstumshormone {pl} growth hormones

Rinderwachstumshormon {n} bovine growth hormone

Somatotropin {n}; Somatropin {n}; somatotropes Hormon somatotropin; somatropin; somatotrophin

Androgen {n} androgen; androgenic hormone

Androgene {pl} androgens; androgenic hormones

Geschlechtshormon {n}; Genitalhormon {n} sex hormone; genital hormone

Geschlechtshormone {pl}; Genitalhormone {pl} sex hormones; genital hormones

Proteohormon {n}; Peptidhormon {n} [biochem.] protein hormone; peptide hormone

Proteohormone {pl}; Peptidhormone {pl} protein hormones; peptide hormones

Sexualhormon {n} sex hormone

Sexualhormone {pl} sex hormones

Auxin {n} (Streckungshormon) [biochem.] auxin (hormone which causes the elongation of cells)

5alpha-Dihydrotestosteron {n}; Dihydrotestosteron /DHT/; Androstanolon {n} (Sexualhormon) [biochem.] 5alpha-dihydrotestosterone /5alpha-DHT/; dihydrotestosterone /DHT/; androstanolone; stanolone (sex hormone)

Dopamin {n}; Prolaktostatin {n} [biochem.] dopamine /DA/; prolactin-inhibiting hormone /PIH/; prolactostatin

Follikelreifungshormon {n}; follikelstimulierendes Hormon follicle-stimulating hormone

Gelbkörperhormon {n} corpus luteum hormone; luteal hormone

Gelbkörperreifungshormon {n} luteinizing hormone /LH/; interstitial-cell-stimulating hormone

Ghrelin {n}; Heißhunger-Hormon {n} [ugs.] (appetitanregendes Hormon) [biochem.] ghrelin (hunger hormone)

Hormonentzugsblutung {f} [med.] hormone-withdrawal bleeding

Keimdrüsenhormon {n} sex hormone

Oxytocin {n} (Hormon) [biochem.] oxytocin (hormone)

Parathormon {n}; Parathyrin {n} [med.] parathyroid hormone /PTH/; parathormone; parathyrin

Schilddrüsenhormonbiosynthese {f} [med.] biosynthesis of the thyrorid hormone

Schilddrüsenhormonstoffwechsel {m} [med.] thyroid hormone metabolism

Schilddrüsenhormonsubstitution {f} [med.] substitution of thyroid hormone; thyroid replacement

Thyreotropin {n}; Thyrotropin {n}; Thyreoidea-stimulierendes Hormon {n} /TSH/ [biochem.] thyrotropin; thyroid-stimulating hormone /TSH/

antidiuretisches Hormon {n} /ADH/; Adiuretin {n}; Arginin-Vasopressin {n} /AVP/; Vasopressin {n} [biochem.] antidiuretic hormone /ADH/; arginine vasopressin /AVP/; argipressin; vasopressin

hormonaktive Substanz {f}; Xenohormon {n}; endokrin wirksamer Stoff; endokrin aktive Substanz /EAS/ (Stoff, der das Hormonsystem stört) [biol.] endocrine disrupting chemical /EDC/; hormone disruptor; endocrine disruptor (substance that interferes with the hormone system)

Melatonin {n} (Hormon) [biol.] melatonin (hormone)

Interleukin {n} (Peptidhormon) [biochem.] interleukin (peptide hormone)

Ausstoß {m}; Ausschüttung {f} [biol.] [envir.] output [anhören]

Hormonausschüttung {f} hormone output

Pollenausstoß {m} pollen output
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