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9 ähnliche Ergebnisse für Palatino
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 Deutsch  Englisch

Ähnliche Wörter:
Latino, Paladin, Palomino, Platin, Platine, Server-Platine
Ähnliche Wörter:
Palatine, palatine, Latino, Palatines, Palomino, armor-plating, armour-plating, cadmium-plating, chrome-plating, chromium-plating, copper-plating, gelatino-chloride, gold-plating, nickel-plating, paladin, paladins, palatial, palatic, palatines, palomino, palpating

Kurpfalz {f}; Kurfürstentum Pfalz {f}; Pfalzgrafschaft bei Rhein [hist.] Electoral Palatinate; Electoral Palatinate of the Rhine; County Palatine of the Rhine

gaumenseitig; palatal {adj} [ling.] [med.] palatine; palatal; palatic

pfälzisch {adj} Palatine; Palatinate

Tokyo; Tokio (Hauptstadt von Japan) [geogr.] Tokyo (capital of Japan); County Palatine of the Rhine

Gaumenbein {n} palatine

Gaumenbeine {pl} palatines

Hebemuskel {m}; Heber {m}; Levatormuskel {m} (Musculus levator) [anat.] levator muscle; levator

Anushebemuskel {m}; Anusheber {m} (Musculus levator ani) levator ani muscle; levator ani

Epiglottishebemuskel {m}; Epiglottisheber {m} (Musculus levator epiglottidis) levator epiglottidis muscle; levator epiglottidis

Gaumensegelhebemuskel {m}; Gaumensegelheber {m} (Musculus levator veli palatini) levator veli palatini muscle; levator veli palatini

Kinnhebemuskel {m}; Kinnheber {m} (Musculus levator mentalis) levator menti muscle; levator menti

Mundwinkelhebemuskel {m}; Mundwinkelheber {m} (Musculus levator anguli oris) levator anguli oris muscle; levator anguli oris

Oberlidhebemuskel {m}; Oberlidheber {m}; oberer Lidheber {m} (Musculus levator palpebrae superioris) levator palpebrae superioris muscle; levator palpebrae superioris

Oberlippenhebemuskel {m}; Oberlippenheber {m} (Musculus levator labii superioris) levator labii superioris muscle; levator labii superioris

Oberlippen- und Nasenflügelhebemuskel {m}; Oberlippen- und Nasenflügelheber {m} (Musculus levator labii superioris alaeque nasi) levator alaeque nasi muscle; levator alaeque nasi

Prostatahebemuskel {m}; Prostataheber {m} (Musculus levator prostatae) levator prostatae muscle; levator prostatae

Schlüsselbeinhebemuskel {m}; Schlüsselbeinheber {m} (Musculus levator claviculae) levator claviculae muscle; levator claviculae

Schulterblatthebemuskel {m}; Schulterblattheber {m} (Musculus levator scapulae) levator scapulae muscle; levator scapulae

Mandelfurche {f}; Mandelkrypte {f}; Tonsillenkrypte {f} [anat.] tonsillar crypt; amygdaline crypt

Mandelfurchen {pl}; Mandelkrypten {pl}; Tonsillenkrypten {pl} tonsillar crypts; amygdaline crypts

Rachenmandelfurchen {pl}; Rachenmandelkrypten {pl} (Cryptae tonsillares tonsillae pharyngeae) crypts of the lingual tonsils

Gaumenmandelfurchen {pl}; Gaumenmandelkrypten {pl} (Cryptae tonsillares tonsillae palatinae) crypts of the palatine tonsils

Verkrampfung {f}; Krampf {m}; Spasmus {m} [med.] [anhören] spasm; spasmus

Adduktorenspasmus {m} adductor spasm

Akkomodationskrampf {m} (im Auge) spasm of accommodation (in the eye)

Arterienkrampf {m}; Arteriospasmus {m} arterial spasm; arteriospasm

Gaumensegelkrampf {m} (Spasmus palatinus) spasm of the soft palate; palatal spasm; palatine spasm

Pfälzer {m}; Pfälzerin {f} Palatine; Palatinate

Pfälzer {pl}; Pfälzerinnen {pl} Palatines; Palatinates
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