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4 Ergebnisse für Globulin | Globulin
Worttrennung: Glo·bu·lin
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 Deutsch  Englisch

Globulin {n} [biochem.] globulin

antihämophiles Globulin A antihaemophilic globulin A /AHG/; haemophilic factor A

antihämophiles Globulin B antihaemophilic globulin B; haemophilic factor B; plasma thromboplastic factor B; plasma thromboplastin component; platelet cofactor II; christmas factor

Globulin des Blutplasmas; Serumglobulin {n} serum globulin

Zellglobulin {n} cytoglobulin

Immunglobulin {n}; Gammaglobulin {n} [biochem.] immune globulin; immunoglobulin /IG/; gamma globulin

Immunglobulin A immunoglobulin A /Ig A/; gamma-A globulin

Immunglobulin D immunoglobulin D /Ig D/; gamma-D globulin

Humangammaglobulin {n}; Humanglobulin {n} human immune serumglobulin; human serum globulin; human globulin

Masernimmunglobulin {n} measles immune globulin

Pockenimmunoglobulin {n} vaccinia immune globulin

Faktor IX {m}; Christmas-Faktor {m}; antihämophiles Globulin B {n} (Blutgerinnung) [biochem.] factor IX; Christmas factor (blood clotting)

Vorbeugung {f}; Prophylaxe {f} [med.] prevention; prophylaxis [anhören]

Vorbeugung gegen eine neuerliche Ansteckung reinfection prophylaxis

Antibiotikaprophylaxe {f} antibiotic prophylasis

chemische Prophylaxe; Chemoprophylaxe {f} chemical prophylaxis; chemoprophylaxis; chemoprevention

Dispositionsprophylaxe {f} disposition prophylaxis

Expositionsvorbeugung {f}; Expositionsprophylaxe {f} exposure prevention; exposure prophylaxis

Immunglobulinprophylaxe {f} immune globulin prophylaxis

Immunprophylaxe {f} immunoprophylaxis

Impfprophylaxe {f} prevention by vaccination; prophylaxis by vaccination

Infektionsvorbeugung {f}; Infektionsprophylaxe {f} prevention of an infection; prohylaxis of an infection; antiinfective measures

Komplikationsprophylaxe {f} complication prevention; complication prophylaxis

Postexpositionsprophylaxe {f}; postexpositionelle Prophylaxe {f} post-exposure prevention; post-exposure prophylaxis /PEP/

Präexpositionsprophylaxe {f}; präexpositionelle Prophylaxe {f} pre-exposure prevention; pre-exposure prophylaxis /PrEP/
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