Dictionary - TU Chemnitz

 English  German

background blur; blurred background effect; out-of-focus look; out-of-focus background; fuzzy background; defocused background; background defocus; bokeh background; bokeh blur; bokeh effect; bokeh gezielt unscharfe Darstellung {f} des Bildhintergrunds; Hintergrundunschärfe {f}; Unschärfedarstellung {f}; Bokeh-Effekt {m}; Bokeh {n} [photo.]

to defocus sth. etw. unscharf stellen {vt} [photo.]

defocusing; defocussing unscharf stellend

defocused; defocussed unscharf gestellt

to go out of focus; to defocus unscharf werden {vi} [photo.]

going out of focus; defocusing; defocussing unscharf werdend

gone out of focus; defocused; defocussed unscharf geworden