Dictionary - TU Chemnitz

 German  English

Tin Whistle {f}; Penny Whistle {f} (eine Art Flöte) [mus.] tin whistle; penny whistle

Medizinalrat {m}; Medizinalrätin {f} medical officer of health

Medizinalräte {pl}; Medizinalrätinnen {pl} medical officers of health

Obermedizinalrat {m} senior medical officer

Geodät {m}; Geodätin {f}; Geometer {m} geodesist; geodet; geodetician

Geodäten {pl}; Geodätinnen {pl}; Geometer {pl} geodesists; geodets; geodeticians

Legationsrat {m}; Legationsrätin {f} [pol.] councillor to a legation [Br.]; legation counselor [Am.]

Legationsräte {pl}; Legationsrätinnen {pl} councillors to a legation; legation counselors

Nationalrat {m}; Nationalrätin {f} member of the National Council

Schulrat {m}; Schulrätin {f} [school] school inspector

Stadtrat {m}; Stadträtin {f}; Stadtverordneter {m}; Stadtverordnete {f} (Person) [pol.] city councillor [Br.] / councilor [Am.]; town councillor [Br.] / councilor [Am.]; alderman [Am.] [Can.] [Austr.]; alderwoman [Am.] [Can.] [Austr.]; selectman (New England) [Am.]

Stadträte {pl}; Stadträtinnen {pl}; Stadtverordnete {pl} city councillors / councilors; town councillors / councilors; aldermen; alderwomen; selectmen

Stadträtin {f} councilwoman

Stadträtinnen {pl} councilwomen

Studienrat {m}; Studienrätin {f} secondary-school teacher

Oberstudienrat {m}; Oberstudienrätin {f} senior teacher

Ministerialrat {m} [pol.] Deputy Assistant Under-Secretary

Ministerialrätin {f} Deputy Assistant Under-Secretary

Ministerialräte {pl} Deputy Assistant Under-Secretaries