Dictionary - TU Chemnitz

 German  English

Behinderter {m} [med.] disabled person; handicapped person [coll.]

Behinderte {pl} disabled persons; handicapped persons

die Behinderten {pl} the disabled; the handicapped

die Versehrten {pl} [veraltend] the physically disabled

Körperbehinderter; Versehrter {m} [adm.] (veraltend bei Behinderung durch Krieg/Unfall) physically disabled person; physically handicapped person

Schwerbehinderter severely disabled person; severely handicapped person

geistig Behinderter mentally disabled person; mentally handicapped person

Benachteiligung {f} Behinderter; Behindertendiskriminierung {f} [soc.] disability discrimination; handicapism