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6 Ergebnisse für Pamphlet | Pamphlet
Worttrennung: Pam·ph·let
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Broschüre {f}; Prospekt {m}; Heft {n} [print] [anhören] [anhören] [anhören] brochure; leaflet; pamphlet [anhören] [anhören] [anhören]

Broschüren {pl}; Prospekte {pl}; Hefte {pl} brochures; leaflets; pamphlets

Gratis-Prospekt {m} free brochure

Hochglanzbroschüre {f} glossy brochure

Informationsbroschüre {f}; Informationsheft {n} information brochure; information leaflet; information pamphlet; prospectus [Br.] [anhören]

Reiseprospekt {m} travel brochure

Schulbroschüre {f} school prospectus

Studienbroschüre {f} university prospectus; college prospectus

Werbeprospekt {m} advertising leaflet; promotional brochure

Merkblatt {n}; Merkzettel {m} instructions; leaflet; pamphlet; note [anhören] [anhören] [anhören] [anhören]

Merkblätter {pl}; Merkzettel {pl} instructions; leaflets; pamphlets; notes [anhören] [anhören]

Preisschrift {f} price pamphlet

Preisschriften {pl} price pamphlets

Schmähschrift {f}; Spottschrift {f}; Pamphlet {n} diatribe; lampoon (piece of writing)

Schmähschriften {pl}; Spottschriften {pl}; Pamphlete {pl} diatribes; lampoons

Streitschrift {f} polemic pamphlet

Streitschriften {pl} polemic pamphlets

aufrührerisch; hetzerisch; Hetz... {adj} inflammatory

Hetzartikel {m} inflammatory article

Hetzposting {n} inflammatory post

Hetzrede {f} inflammatory speech; incendiary speech; rabble-rousing speech

Hetzschrift {f} inflammatory pamphlet

hetzerisch reden to use inflammatory language
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