Dictionary - TU Chemnitz

 German  English

Similar words:
IR-photoplate, photoplate

Führerpersonal {n} (Bahn) [hist.] footplate staff [Br.]; footplate crew [Br.] (railway)

Führerstand-Plattform {f}; Führerstand {m} (einer Dampflok) (Bahn) [hist.] driver's footplate (of a steam locomotive) (railway)

Steigbügelplatte {f} [anat.] footplate of the stapes; stapedial base/footplate

Fotoplatte {f} [photo.] photographic plate; photoplate

Fotoplatten {pl} photographic plates; photoplates

gelatinefreie Fotoplatte; Schumannplatte {f} gelatin-free photoplate; gelatine-free plate

infrarotempfindliche Fotoplatte; IR-empfindliche Fotoplatte infrared-sensitive photoplate; IR-photoplate

Kochplatte {f}; Herdplatte {f}; Heizplatte {f}; Wärmeplatte {f} (Kochgerät) [cook.] cooking plate; hot plate

Kochplatten {pl}; Herdplatten {pl}; Heizplatten {pl}; Wärmeplatten {pl} cooking plates; hot plates