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38 similar results for cry
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Similar words:
Cri-du-Chat-Syndrom, Acetyl-CoA, Acre, Acryl, Adenosin-tri-Phosphat, Ar, ARD, arg, arm, Arm, Arm-, Arm-Kopf-Gefäßstamm, Art, Bay, Blu-Ray-Disk, Boot-CD, BRD, C-Falter, C-Faser, C-Fasson, C-Norm

Acrylamid {n} [chem.] la acrilamida {f} [chem.]

Acrylamid {n} [chem.] la amida acrílica {f} [chem.]

Acrylat {n} [chem.] el acrilato [chem.]

Acrylfarbe {f} el acrílico {m} (también pintura acrílica)

Acrylfarbe {f} la pintura acrílica {f}

Acrylgewebe {n} [textil.] el tejido acrílico {m} [textil.]

Acrylglas {n} el cristal acrílico {m}

Acrylglas {n} el metacrilato {m}

Acrylglas {n} el vidrio acrílico {m}

Acrylharz {n} [techn.] [chem.] la resina acrílica {f} [técn.] [chem.]

Acrylmarkisenstoff {m} la tela acrílica para toldos {f}

Acryl {n} [chem.] la fibra acrílica {f} [chem.]

Acrylsäure {f} [chem.] (auch die Akrylsäure) el ácido acrílico {m} [chem.]

Akrylsäure {f} [chem.] (auch die Acrylsäure) el ácido acrílico {m} [chem.]

Braunkopfpapagei {m} [zool.] (Poicephalus cryptoxanthus) el loro de cabeza parda {m} [zool.]

cryogen {adj} [techn.] (alte Rechtschreibung, neu kryogen) criogénico {adj} [técn.]

Cyanacrylat {n} (chemische Komponente) el cianocrilato {m} (componente químico)

das Crystal Meth {n} [chem.] (Anglizismus) el clorhidrato de metanfetamina {m} [chem.]

der Kleine Leistenkopfplattkäfer {m} [zool.] (Cryptolstes pusillus) la carcoma achatada {f} [zool.]

der Rotbraune Leistenkopfplattkäfer {m} [zool.] (Cryptolestes ferrugineus) el gorgojo achatado de los granos {m} [zool.]

der Weißbunte Erlenwürger {m} [zool.] (Cryptorhynchus lapahti) el barrenillo de la mimbrera {m} [zool.]

der Weißbunte Erlenwürger {m} [zool.] (Cryptorhynchus lapahti) el barrenillo del chopo {m} [zool.]

der Weißbunte Erlenwürger {m} [zool.] (Cryptorhynchus lapahti) el gorgojo perforador de los chopos {m} [zool.]

Erlenwürger {m} [zool.] (Cryptorhynchus lapahti) el barrenillo de la mimbrera {m} [zool.]

Erlenwürger {m} [zool.] (Cryptorhynchus lapahti) el barrenillo del chopo {m} [zool.]

Erlenwürger {m} [zool.] (Cryptorhynchus lapahti) el gorgojo perforador de los chopos {m} [zool.]

Geierperlhuhn {n} [zool.] (Acryllium vulturinum) la pintada vulturina {f} [zool.]

Graukehltinamu {m} [zool.] (Crypturellus boucardi) el tinamú pizarroso {m} [zool.]

Graukehltinamu {m} [zool.] (Crypturellus boucardi) la ponchita {f} [zool.] [Am.]

Graumull {m} [zool.] (Cryptomys sp.) el ratón zapador {m} [zool.]

Graumull {m} [zool.] (Cryptomys sp.) la rata topo {f} [zool.]

Kiefernfallkäfer {m} [zool.] (Cryptocephalus pini) el crisomélido del pino {m} [zool.]

Kleinohrspitzmaus {f} [zool.] (Cryptotis parva) la musaraña mocha {f} [zool.]

Kristallgrundel {f} [zool.] (Crystallogobius linearis) el gobio cristal {m} [zool.]

kryogen {adj} [techn.] (auch cryogen) criogénico {adj} [técn.]

Rotbrusttinamu {m} [zool.] (Crypturellus variegatus) el tinamú abigarrado {m} [zool.]

Rotbrusttinamu {m} [zool.] (Crypturellus variegatus) la ponchita abigarrada {f} [zool.] [Am.]

Schlammteufel {m} [zool.] (Cryptobranchus alleganiensis) la salamandra gigante americana {f} [zool.]

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