Dictionary - TU Chemnitz

 English  German

motto; maxim [listen] Motto {n}; Devise {f}; Parole {f}; Wahlspruch {m}; Maxime {f} [geh.]; Panier {n} [geh.]

sb.'s watchword jds. Devise

the motto of sb.'s life jds. Lebensmotto

sb.'s favourite maxim [Br.]; sb.'s favorite maxim [Am.] jds. Lieblingsmotto

according to the motto unter dem Motto; unter der Devise

My motto is ... Meine Devise lautet ...

rule of life; maxim Lebensregel {f}; Lebensprinzip {n}; Grundsatz {m}; Maxime {f} [geh.] [listen]

maxim of two-sided justification (private law) Maxime {f} der zweiseitigen Rechtfertigung (Privatrecht) [jur.]