Dictionary - TU Chemnitz

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Zinsrechnung {f} calculation of interest

Rechenmethode {f}; Berechnungsmethode {f}; Berechnungsweise {f}; Kalkül {m} [veraltend] [math.] method of calculation; calculation method; calculus [listen]

Rechenmethoden {pl}; Berechnungsmethoden {pl}; Berechnungsweisen {pl}; Kalküle {pl} methods of calculation; calculation methods; calculuses

Differenzialrechnung {f}; Differentialrechnung {f} differential calculus

Fehlerrechnung {f} calculus of errors

Infinitesimalrechnung {f}; Differential- und Integralrechnung {f} infinitesimal calculus; differential and integral calculus; the calculus

Integralrechnung {f} integral calculus

Matrizenrechnung {f}; Matrizenkalkül {n} [veraltend] matrix calculus; matrix method; matrix algebra

Prädikatrechnung {f} predicate calculus

Regressionsrechnung {f} (Vermessungswesen) calculus of observations; adjustment of observations; adjustment calculus (surveying)

Theoremrechnung {f} theorem calculus

Variationsrechnung {f} variational calculus; variantions calculus; calculus of variations

Zinsrechnung {f} calculation of interest; interest calculation; calculus of interest