Dictionary - TU Chemnitz

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Nekrose {f}; lokaler Gewebstod {m}; Brand {m} [med.] [listen] necrosis; mortification

Gewebenekrose {f} tissue necrosis

Nasenknochennekrose {f} necrosis of the nasal bones; rhinonecrosis

Sofortnekrose {f}; sofortige Nekrose immediate necrosis

gangränöse Nekrose {f}; Grangän {f}; Brand {m} (Gangraena) [med.] [listen] gangrenous necrosis; grangene

emphysematöse Gangrän; emphysematöser Brand emphysematous grangene

feuchte Gangrän; feuchter Brand; Faulbrand {m} wet grangene; moist grangene

Gasgangrän {f}; Gasbrand {m} gas grangene

Impfgangrän {f} vaccination gangrene

trockene Gangrän; trockener Brand dry grangene

Tumor-Nekrose-Faktor {m} /TNF/ [med.] tumor necrosis factor /TNF/

Tumor-Nekrose-Faktor {m} [biochem.] TNF cachectin