Dictionary - TU Chemnitz

 English  German

connective tissue tumour; fibroid tumour; fibroma; inoma Bindegewebsgeschwulst {f}; Fasergeschwulst {f}; Fibrom {n}; Stielwarze {f} [ugs.] [med.]

hard fibrous tumour; desmoid tumour; desmoid harte Bindegewebsgeschwulst; Desmoidgeschwulst {f}; Desmoid {n}

fibroma of the breast Brustfibrom {n}

irritation fibroma Fibrom durch Gewebereizung

non-ossifying fibroma nichtossifizierendes Fibrom

ossifying fibroma; fibro-osteoma ossifizierendes Fibrom

cystic fibroma; fibrocyst zystisches Fibrom

interstitial fibroid (of the uterus) interstitielles Fibroid {n} (des Uterus) [med.]

uterine fibroid Uterusmyom {n} [med.]

uterine fibroids Uterusmyome {pl}

fibroid faserartig {adj}