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4 ähnliche Ergebnisse für Pallidum
Tipp: Mustersuche: Wort*

 Deutsch  Englisch

Ähnliche Wörter:
Pallium, Gallium, Palladium
Ähnliche Wörter:
pallium, gallium, palladium, pallid, pallidly

Großhirnrinde {f}; Hirnrinde {f}; Rinde {f}; Kortex {f} (Cortex cerebri) [anat.] cerebral cortex; cortex of the cerebrum; cortex; pallium

Pallium {n} [relig.] pallium

Fahlsegler {m} (Apus pallidus) [ornith.] pallid swift

Contopus-Tyrannen {pl} (Contopus) (zoologische Gattung) [ornith.] contopus flycatchers; pewees; peewees [Sc.] [Am.] [Austr.] (zoological genus)

Braunbauchtyrann {m} (Contopus caribaeus) crescent-eyed pewee; crescent-eyed peewee; Cuban pewee; Cuban peewee

Einfarbtyrann {m} (Contopus nigrescens) blackish pewee; blackish peewee

Fichtentyrann {m}; Olivflanken-Schnäppertyrann (Contopus cooperi) olive-sided flycatcher

Großer Schnäppertyrann {m} (Contopus pertinax) greater pewee; greater peewee

Hispaniola-Schnäppertyrann {m} (Contopus hispaniolensis) Hispaniolan pewee; Hispaniolan peewee

Jamaika-Schnäppertyrann {m} (Contopus pallidus) Jamaican pewee; Jamaican peewee

Ockerbrusttyrann {m}; Ockergelb-Schnäppertyrann {m} (Contopus ochraceus) ochraceous pewee; ochraceous peewee

Östlicher Waldtyrann {m} (Contopus eastern virens) eastern wood pewee; eastern wood peewee

Rostbauchtyrann {m} (Contopus latirostris) lesser Antillean pewee; lesser Antillean peewee

Schiefertyrann {m} (Contopus fumigatus) smoke-coloured pewee; smoke-coloured peewee

Silberkehltyrann {m} (Contopus albogularis) white-throated pewee; white-throated peewee

Spixtyrann {m} (Contopus cinereus) tropical pewee; tropical peewee

Trauerschnäppertyrann {m} (Contopus lugubris) dark pewee; dark peewee

Waldschnäppertyrann {m} (Contopus punensis) Tumbes pewee; Tumbes peewee

Westlicher Waldtyrann {m} (Contopus sordidulus) western wood pewee; western wood peewee
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