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1 ähnliches Ergebnis für Boc?a
Tipp: Mustersuche: Wort*

 Deutsch  Englisch

Ähnliche Wörter:
Boa, Boccia, Bock, Bolza-Problem, Coca
Ähnliche Wörter:
Rocha, boa, bocce, boccia, bock, bouba, coca, cocoa, mocha

Bauaufsichtsbehörde {f}; Baurechtsbehörde {f}; Baurechtsamt {n} [Dt.]; Bauordnungsamt {n} [Dt.]; Baupolizeiamt {n} [Ös.] [Schw.] building control authority; local authority building control department [Br.]; building surveyors department [Br.]; county building department [Am.]; district surveyor's office [Am.]; building occupancy and construction authority /BOCA/ [Am.]

Bauaufsichtsbehörden {pl}; Baurechtsbehörden {pl}; Baurechtsämter {pl}; Bauordnungsämter {pl}; Baupolizeiämter {pl} building control authorities; local authority building control departments; building surveyors departments; county building departments; district surveyor's offices; building occupancy and construction autorities
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