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2 results for Entwicklungspotenzial
Help for phonetic transcription
Word division: Ent·wick·lungs·po·ten·zi·al
Tip: Gender of German nouns:
{m} = der, {f} = die, {n} = das, {pl} = die

 German  English

Entwicklungspotenzial {n}; Entwicklungspotential {n} development potential [? patenshal/patenchal]

Entwicklungspotenzial {n}; Entwicklungspotential {n} development potential; potential for development [? patenshal/patenchal patenshal/patenchal faor/fer/frer ?]

Weiterentwicklungspotenzial {n}; Weiterentwicklungspotential {n} potential for further development
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