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1 result for formalina
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 German  Spanish

Formalin-fixierte Suspensionen von R. solanacearum Biovar 2 (Stamm NCPPB 4156 = PD 2762 = CFBP 3857) mit 106 Zellen je ml als Positivkontrollen für serologische Tests. [EU] Utilizar suspensiones fijadas con formalina de R. solanacearum biovar 2 (cepa NCPPB 4156 = PD 2762 = CFBP 3857) de 106 células por ml como controles positivos para pruebas serológicas.

The example sentences were kindly provided by:
[I], [L]
Sentences marked by [EU] derived from DGT Multilingual Translation Memory. The European Commission retains ownership of the copyright in the original data.
No guarantee of accuracy or completeness!
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