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2 similar results for goethite
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 German  English

Schlämme aus der Zink-Hydrometallurgie (einschließlich Jarosit, Goethit) [EU] Sludges from zinc hydrometallurgy (incl. jarosite, goethite)

Schlämme aus der Zink-Hydrometallurgie (einschließlich Jarosit, Goethit) [EU] Sludges from zinc hydrometallurgy (including Jarosite, goethite)

The example sentences [G] were kindly provided by the Goethe Institute.
Sentences marked by [EU] derived from DGT Multilingual Translation Memory. The European Commission retains ownership of the copyright in the original data.
No guarantee of accuracy or completeness!
©TU Chemnitz, 2006-2024
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