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 Vocabulary trainer

Vocabulary Trainer Help


Before you can start to practise vocabulary you have to fill up at least one vocabulary list. There are two possibilities to achieve this.
  1. You may copy a public vocabulary list:
    • Click on the top of the page on Public Vocabulary lists and look for a suitable list.
    • Click on Save, then go back to My Vocabulary lists.
    • You may practise this copied list by clicking on it, then click on .
  2. Create your own vocabulary list:
    • Look up translations in the dictionary - click a tab (with the flags) on the top.
    • In the results click on at the end of a line to take this translation into your vocabulary list.
    • If you have filled your list a bit, you go to the Vocabulary trainer by clicking the according tab on the top right, and start practising by clicking on .

Scientific Background

There is always a risk that we forget the things we learned (by heart), especially vocabulary words. So, already in 1885, the memory researcher Hermann Ebbinghaus introduced the results of an experiment in which learners could not reproduce three quarters of the learning matter after two days. This phenomenon is referred to as "Ebbinghaus forgetting curve" since then. Other investigations have shown that methodical repetition can help to decrease the forgetting curve progressively. One method is to regularly repeat the learning matter in exponentially increasing intervals.

[forgetting curve]
The BEOLINGUS vocabulary trainer uses a systematic expansion, which is based on this method and applied in the phase-6 vocabulary trainer.

The structure in BEOLINGUS

BEOLINGUS works with a 3-phases system. You will achieve a hundred per cent long-term memory retention working with the 6-phases system of phase-6.
[phase model]

How to Use the Vocabulary Trainer

Without Login

You can use the vocabulary trainer without logging in. In this case, your identification is ensured by a key in cookie. Please note: If you delete this cookie, your vocabulary lists are no longrer accessible.

Moreover, you need to mind that your lists are interrogated at least once within three months; otherwise, they will be deleted. Without login, you cannot suggest a vocabulary list for publication.

With Registration and Login

If you register, your data is saved in our database via your user name secured by your password. So you get access to your vocabulary lists from every computer.

If you don't login for more than six months, you will receive a reminder e-mail. If you don't use your account within the next four weeks after you get this reminder, your lists will be deleted.

Fill in a vocabulary list

On the right-hand side of the BEOLINGUS results you see a . By clicking on it you add the translation to your "activated" vocabulary list in the vocabulary trainer. Each user starts with a default "standard list".

You may add your own vocabulary, too. Just click the list name, then on "New vocabulary".

Exercise your vocabulary

If you copied some vocabulary words, you can start to practise them. Just select a list (or some lists) and click .

Now the test on the vocabulary begins. Think about the correct answer, enter it into the text field "your translation", or just say the answer. Then click the button "correct answer". Please confirm whether your answer was correct. If this is the case, the word is transferred to the next higher phase and you will be tested on it after the time for this phase is up.

You work with the default settings for the phases:
  • phase 1: 0 days
  • phase 2: 2 days
  • phase 3: 7 days
Beside this learning method "Long-term learning" according to the 3-phases system, you may use other methods, too:
  • Exercise all words: independent of the phase
  • Matching Exercise: Match the right translations of your list(s).

Create and fill in new vocabulary lists

Click on "new list" and enter a name of this new vocabulary list. Activate it, look up some words in BEOLINGUS and some translations by clicking on the right-hand side of the result.

In addition, you can copy a public list. After this, you can rename the list and modify the vocabulary, and, of course, exercise these translations.

Functions for your own vocabulary lists

You may print or export (as comma separated list, CSV, usable with phase-6) your vocabulary lists. Of course, you may change or delete your vocabulary, copy or move entries to another list. You may change the phase of a translation pair, or reset all phases to start with the exercise from the beginning.

You should not have more than 50 lists with 200 words each to guarantee a more effective learning.

In the "Statistics" section you can print out your vocabulary book.

Public Vocabulary Lists

You can add public vocabulary lists to your own ones. After you copied them, you can modify these lists after clicking on "My vocabulary lists".


In the "Settings" section you can change your personal data, your password, and the time intervals between the phases.

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