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tourist country
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 English  German

country (in the international community) [listen] Land {n}; Staat {m} (in der Staatengemeinschaft) [pol.] [listen] [listen]

countries [listen] Länder {pl}; Lande {pl} [poet.]; Staaten {pl} [listen]

agrarian country Agrarland {n}; landwirtschaftlich geprägtes Land

country of designation (patent law) Bestimmungsland {n} (Patentrecht)

recipient country Empfängerland {n}; Empfängerstaat {m}

industrial country; industrialized country; developed country Industrieland {n}; Industriestaat {m}; industrialisiertes Land

tourist country; holiday country [Br.]; vacation country [Br.] Urlaubsland {n}; Reiseland {n}

tourist countries; holiday countries; vacation countries Urlaubsländer {pl}; Reiseländer {pl}

to leave the country außer Landes gehen
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