Dictionary - TU Chemnitz
All NounsVerbs

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torture (of sb.) [listen] Folter {f}; Folterung {f} (von jdm.) [listen]

white torture weiße Folter

UN-Convention against Torture and other cruel, inhuman, or degrading Treatment or Punishment UNO-Übereinkommen gegen Folter und andere grausame, unmenschliche oder erniedrigende Behandlung oder Strafe

to torture sb. jdn. foltern {vt}

torturing folternd

tortured gefoltert

tortures foltert

tortured folterte

to torture sb. to death jdn. zu Tode foltern

torture [listen] Qual {f}; Quälerei {f}; Tortur {f} [listen]

tortures Qualen {pl}; Quälereien {pl}; Torturen {pl}

Listening to her can be torture. Ihr zuzuhören ist manchmal eine Qual.

That interview was sheer torture. Dieses Interview war vielleicht eine Tortur.

to torture sb. jdn. quälen {vt}

torturing quälend

torturred gequält

to be tortured by sth. von etw. gequält werden

torture chamber; torturechamber Folterkammer {f}

torture chambers; torturechambers Folterkammern {pl}

torture victim Folteropfer {n}

torture victims Folteropfer {pl}

torture stake Marterpfahl {m} [hist.]

torture stakes Marterpfähle {pl}

instrument of torture; torture device Folterinstrument {n}; Foltergerät {n}

instruments of torture; torture devices Folterinstrumente {pl}; Foltergeräte {pl}

method of torture; torture method Foltermethode {f}

methods of torture; torture methods Foltermethoden {pl}

agony of toture; torture [listen] Folterqual {f}

death by torture Martertod {m}

neck violin; shrew's fiddle (torture instrument) Schandgeige {f} (Folterinstrument) [hist.]

water torture; waterboarding (method of torture) Wasserfolter {f}; Wasserkur {f} (Foltermethode)

thumbscrew; thumbkin [obs.]; pillywinks [obs.] (torture instrument) Daumenschraube {f}; Daumenstock {m} [obs.] (Folterinstrument) [hist.]

thumbscrews; thumbkins; pillywinkses Daumenschrauben {pl}; Daumenstöcke {pl}

rack (torture instrument) [listen] Streckbank {f}; Folterbank {f} (Folterinstrument) [hist.]

racks Streckbänke {pl}; Folterbänke {pl}

to put sb. on the rack; to rack sb. jdn. auf die Folterbank / auf die Folter spannen