Dictionary - TU Chemnitz

 English  German

thimble Fingerhut {m}

thimbles Fingerhüte {pl}

to hunt the thimble Fingerhut suchen (Kinderspiel)

thimble; cable eye stiffener Kausche {f}; Kausch {f} [naut.]

thimbles; cable eye stiffeners Kauschen {pl}

rope thimble; grommet thimble Seilkausche {f}; Seilkausch {f}

raspberry bush; raspberry shrub; raspberry [listen] Himbeerstrauch {m}; Himbeerstaude {f}; Himbeere {f} (Rubus idaeus) [bot.]

raspberry bushes; raspberry shrubs; raspberries Himbeersträucher {pl}; Himbeerstauden {pl}; Himbeeren {pl}

boulder raspberry; Rocky Mountain raspberry; delicious raspberry; snowy bramble [Br.] Colorado-Himbeere {f} (Rubus deliciosus)

wild black raspberry, blackcap raspberry; black cap; Scotch cap; thimbleberry Schwarze Himbeere {f}; Schwarzhimbeere {f} (Rubus occidentalis)

white-flowering raspberry; western thimble raspberry; western thimbleberry Weiße Zimthimbeere; Nutka-Himbeere {f} (Rubus parviflorus)

purple-flowered raspberry; flowering raspberry; Virginia raspberry; sweet-scented bramble [Br.] Zimthimbeere {f}; Wohlriechende Himbeere {f} (Rubus odoratus)