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64 results for stores | stores
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stores [listen] Material {n}; Gerät {n}; Gerätschaft {f}; Vorräte {pl} [mil.] [listen] [listen]

defence stores Verteidigungsmaterial {n}; Verteidigungsgerät {n}

to store sth. up einen Vorrat von etw. anlegen

external stores Außenlasten {pl} [aviat.] [mil.]

to have a look round/around the shops [Br.]/stores [Am.] einen Einkaufsbummel machen; an den Geschäften entlang bummeln (gehen) {v}

chain of retail shops; retail chain; chain of stores [Am.] Handelskette {f} [econ.]

chains of retail shops; retail chains; chains of stores Handelsketten {pl}

chain of shops; chain of stores Ladenkette {f}

chains of shops; chains of stores Ladenketten {pl}

after/before the shops shut; after/before the stores shut [Am.] nach/vor Ladenschluss

after hours nach Ladenschluss; nach Büroschluss

neighbourhood shops; local shops [Br.]; local stores [Am.] Nahversorger {pl} [econ.]

waste store Abfalllager {n}

waste stores Abfalllager {pl}

souvenir shop; souvenir store [Am.] Andenkenladen {m}; Souvenirladen {m}; Souvenirgeschäft {n}

souvenir shops; souvenir stores Andenkenläden {pl}; Souvenirläden {pl}; Souvenirgeschäfte {pl}

run (on) [listen] Ansturm {m}; Run {m} (auf)

to make a run on the shops [Br.] /stores [Am.] [fig.] die Geschäfte stürmen [übtr.]

antique store; antiques store [Am.] Antiquitätengeschäft {n}; Antiquitätenhandlung {f}; Antiquitätenladen {m}

antique stores; antiques stores Antiquitätengeschäfte {pl}; Antiquitätenhandlungen {pl}; Antiquitätenläden {pl}

craft shop; hobby shop; craft store [Am.] Bastelgeschäft {n}; Geschäft {n} für Bastelbedarf; Bastelladen {m}; Bastelecke {f}

craft shops; hobby shops; craft stores Bastelgeschäfte {pl}; Geschäfte {pl} für Bastelbedarf; Bastelläden {pl}; Bastelecken {pl}

DIY superstore; do-it-yourself store; home improvement store; hardware store [Austr.] Baumarkt {m}; Heimwerkermarkt {m}; Baucenter {n} [Schw.]

DIY superstores; do-it-yourself stores; home improvement stores; hardware stores Baumärkte {pl}; Heimwerkermärkte {pl}; Baucenter {pl}

clothes shop; apparel shop [Br.]; apparel store [Am.] Bekleidungsgeschäft {n}; Kleidergeschäft {n}

clothes shops; apparel shops; apparel stores Bekleidungsgeschäfte {pl}; Kleidergeschäfte {pl}

junk shop [Br.]; pound shop [Br.]; variety store [Am.]; dime store [Am.]; 99-cent store [Am.] [pej.] Billigladen {m}; Ramschladen {m}; 1-Euro-Shop {n} [pej.]

junk shops; pound shops; variety stores; dime stores; 99-cent stores Billigläden {pl}; Ramschläden {pl}; 1-Euro-Shops {pl}

organic grocery store; organic food shop; organic food store [Am.] Bioladen {m}

organic grocery stores; organic food shops; organic food stores Bioläden {pl}

computer shop; computer store Computergeschäft {n}; Computerladen {m}

computer shops; computer stores Computergeschäfte {pl}; Computerläden {pl}

village shop [Br.]; country store [Am.] Dorfkaufmann {m}; Dorfladen {m} [Dt.]; Dorfgreißler {m} [Ös.]; Dorflädeli {n} [Schw.] [econ.]

village shops; country stores Dorfläden {pl}; Dorfgreißler {pl}; Dorflädeli {pl}

duty free shop [Br.]; airside shop [Br.] (at the airport); duty free store [Am.]; airside store [Am.] (at the airport) Dutyfree-Geschäft {n}; Duty-Free-Geschäft {n}; Duty-Free-Shop {m} [econ.] [transp.]

duty free shops; airside shops; duty free stores; airside stores Dutyfree-Geschäfte {pl}; Duty-Free-Geschäfte {pl}; Duty-Free-Shops {pl}

cash and carry store; retail outlet; hypermarket [Br.] großer Einkaufsmarkt {m}; Abholmarkt {m}; Verbrauchermarkt {m}; Mitnahmemarkt {m}

cash and carry stores; retail outlets; hypermarkets große Einkaufsmärkte {pl}; Abholmärkte {pl}; Verbrauchermärkte {pl}; Mitnahmemärkte {pl}

cash-and-carry wholesale Abholgroßmarkt {m}; Cash-and-Carry-Markt {m}

retail business; retail shop [Br.]; retail store [Am.]; retailer [listen] Einzelhandelsgeschäft {n}; Einzelhändler {m}; Detailgeschäft {n} [Schw.] [econ.]

retail businesses; retail shops; retail stores; retailers Einzelhandelsgeschäfte {pl}; Einzelhändler {pl}; Detailgeschäfte {pl}

hardware store; ironmongery [Br.] Eisenwarenhandlung {f}

hardware stores; ironmongeries Eisenwarenhandlungen {pl}

energy store; energy storage; energy accumulator; energy storage device Energiespeicher {m} [techn.]

energy stores; energy storages; energy accumulators; energy storage devices Energiespeicher {pl}

outlet shop [Br.]; outlet store; outlet mall [Am.]; factory outlet; manufacturer's outlet [rare]; outlet [listen] Fabrikverkaufszentrum {n} /FVZ/; Fabrikverkauf {m}; Fabriksverkauf {m}; Fabrikladen {m} [Dt.]; Werksverkauf {m} [econ.]

outlet shops; outlet stores; outlet malls; factory outlets; manufacturer's outlets; outlets Fabrikverkaufszentren {pl}; Fabrikverkäufe {pl}; Fabriksverkäufe {pl}; Fabrikläden {pl}; Werksverkäufe {pl}

general store Gemischtwarenladen {f}; Gemischtwarenhandlung {f} [veraltend]; Kolonialwarengeschäft {n} [veraltet]; Kolonialwarenladen {m} [veraltet]; Kolonialladen {n} [obs.]

general stores Gemischtwarenläden {pl}; Gemischtwarenhandlungen {pl}; Kolonialwarengeschäfte {pl}; Kolonialwarenläden {pl}; Kolonialläden {pl}

liquor shop [Br.]; off licence [Br.]; liquor store [Am.]; package store [Can.]; bottle shop [Austr.]; ABC store Geschäft {n} / Laden {m} für Alkoholika; Getränkegeschäft {n}; Getränkeladen {m}

liquor shops; off licences; liquor stores; package stores; bottle shops; ABC stores Geschäfte {pl} / Läden {pl} für Alkoholika; Getränkegeschäfte {pl}; Getränkeladen {pl}

speakeasy [Am.] [hist.] (illicit liquor shop during Prohibition) illegaler Getränkeladen während der Prohibition in den USA

cookshop [Br.]; kitchen store [Am.] Geschäft {n} für Küchengeräte; Küchengerätegeschäft {n}

cookshops; kitchen stores Geschäfte {pl} für Küchengeräte; Küchengerätegeschäfte {pl}

department store; store [Br.]; big store [Am.] [listen] [listen] Kaufhaus {n}; Warenhaus {n}

department stores; stores; big stores [listen] Kaufhäuser {pl}; Warenhäuser {pl}

five-and-ten [Am.] billiges Kaufhaus

at/in a department store in einem Kaufhaus

multiple-shop [Br.]; multiple [Br.]; chain store [Am.]; chain [Am.] [listen] [listen] Kettenladen {m}; Kette {f} [econ.] [listen]

multiple-shops; multiples; chain stores; chains [listen] Kettenläden {pl}; Ketten {pl}

the major food multiples die großen Lebensmittelketten

confectionery shop [Br.]/store [Am.]; confectionery; pastry shop [Br.]/store [Am.]; cake shop [Br.] [listen] Konditorei {f}; Süßwarengeschäft {n}; Konfiserie {f} (eigene Herstellung) [cook.]

confectionery shops/stores; confectioneries; pastry shops/stores; cake shops [listen] Konditoreien {pl}; Süßwarengeschäfte {pl}; Konfiserien {pl}

consignment store; consignment warehouse Konsignationslager {n}

consignment stores; consignment warehouses Konsignationslager {pl}

cold store Kühlhaus {n}

cold stores Kühlhäuser {pl}

cold store; cold-storage room; walk-in freezer Kühlraum {m}

cold stores; cold-storage rooms; walk-in freezers Kühlräume {pl}

shop [Br.]; store [Am.] [listen] [listen] Laden {m}; (kleineres) Geschäft {n}; Ladengeschäft {n} [econ.] [listen]

shops; stores [listen] Läden {pl}; Geschäfte {pl}; Ladengeschäfte {pl} [listen]

cash-and-carry shop Abholgeschäft {n}

fishmonger's shop; fishmonger's; fish store Fischladen {m}; Fischgeschäft {n}

fabric shop Stoffladen {m}; Stoffgeschäft {n}

in-store im Geschäft

to set up a shop einen Laden eröffnen

to trawl the shops (for sth.) Läden (nach etw.) abklappern [ugs.]

brick-and-mortar shop [Br.]; brick-and-mortar store [Am.] (stationäres) Ladengeschäft {n} (im Gegensatz zu Online-Shop) [econ.]

brick-and-mortar shops; brick-and-mortar stores Ladengeschäfte {pl}; der stationäre Handel {m}

store [listen] Lager {n}; Lagerhaus {n}; Lagerraum {m}; Magazin {n} [listen] [listen]

stores [listen] Lager {pl}; Lagerhäuser {pl}; Lagerräume {pl}; Magazine {pl} [listen]

grocery; grocery store [Am.]; grocer's; grocer's shop; food shop [listen] Lebensmittelgeschäft {n}; Lebensmittelladen {m}

groceries; grocery stores; food shops [listen] Lebensmittelgeschäfte {pl}; Lebensmittelläden {pl}

fashion house; fashion boutique; fashion store Modehaus {n}; Modeboutique {f}; Modesalon {m}

fashion houses; fashion boutiques; fashion stores Modehäuser {pl}; Modeboutiquen {pl}; Modesalöne {pl}

(large) furniture store; home-centre; furnishing house Möbelhaus {n}; Einrichtungshaus {n} [econ.]

furniture stores; home-centres; furnishing houses Möbelhäuser {pl}; Einrichtungshäuser {pl}

waste disposal room; bin store [Br.]; garbage room [Am.]; trash room [Am.] [coll.] (in a residential complex) Müllraum {m} (in einer Wohnhausanlage)

waste disposal rooms; bin stores; garbage rooms; trash rooms Müllräume {pl}

sheet-music shop; sheet-music store [Am.] Notengeschäft {n}

sheet-music shops; sheet-music stores Notengeschäfte {pl}

organic food and natural product shop [Br.]/store [Am.] Ökoladen {m} [econ.]

organic food and natural product shops/stores Ökoläden {pl}

health food shop; health food store [Am.] Reformhaus {n}

health food shops; health food stores Reformhäuser {pl}

prop shop [Br.]; prop store [Am.] (theatre; film, TV) Requisitenlager {n} (Theater, Film, TV) [art]

prop shops; prop stores Requisitenlager {pl}

seed shop [Br.]; seed market [Br.]; seed store [Am.] Samenhandlung {f} [econ.] [agr.]

seed shops; seed markets; seed stores Samenhandlungen {pl}

sanitary ware shop [Br.]; sanitary ware store [Am.] Sanitärausstatter {m}; Badausstatter {m}

sanitary ware shops; sanitary ware stores Sanitärausstatter {pl}; Badausstatter {pl}

stationer's; stationery shop; stationery store [Am.] Schreibwarengeschäft {n}; Schreibwarenladen {m}; Papiergeschäft {n}; Papierwarenhandlung {f}

stationer's; stationery shops; stationery stores Schreibwarengeschäfte {pl}; Schreibwarenladen {pl}; Papiergeschäfte {pl}; Papierwarenhandlungen {pl}

liquor store [Am.] Spirituosenhandlung {f}

liquor stores Spirituosenhandlungen {pl}

convenience store [Am.] 24-Stunden-Shop {n}; Spätverkauf {m} [Dt.]; Spätkauf {m} [Nordostdt.]; Späti {m} [Nordostdt.] [ugs.]

convenience stores 24-Stunden-Shops {pl}; Spätverkäufe {pl}; Spätkäufe {pl}; Spätis {pl}

sweet shop [Br.]; candy store [Am.] Süßwarenladen {m}; Süßwarengeschäft {n}; Bonbonladen {m} [Dt.] [Schw.]; Zuckerlgeschäft {n} [Ös.]; Täfeliladen {m} [Schw.]

sweet shops; candy stores Süßwarenläden {pl}; Süßwarengeschäfte {pl}; Bonbonläden {pl}; Zuckerlgeschäfte {pl}; Täfeliläden {pl}

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